Terms & conditions

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Energy Terms & Conditions

Last updated 19 October 2022

1. General Terms
1.1. These Terms and Conditions are for business customers (which includes Microbusiness Customers). They should be read alongside your Contract, which together make up the Agreement between us.
1.2. The Agreement is between us, (Pozitive Energy Limited) and you, where you have decided to enter into an Agreement for the supply of gas, electricity or both to Non-Domestic Premises.
1.3. Please note that any reference to the word ‘Property’ means Non-Domestic Property which are not or are not to become Green Deal Premises during the Contract.
1.4. Please note that references to the word ‘Energy’ means electricity or gas which we have agreed to supply to your Property, subject to these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions apply separately in respect of each account under which we supply you with Energy.
1.5. Please read them carefully so that you are fully aware and understand our mutual obligations and responsibilities. In the event of inconsistency with any other document, these Terms and Conditions will prevail over any other document between us including, your Contract unless otherwise agreed with you.
1.6. These Terms and Conditions apply to Fixed Price Energy Plans, Standard Variable Rate Contracts and Deemed Contracts. These Terms and Conditions apply to Flexi Price Energy Plans unless otherwise specified in the Contract.
1.7 We may amend and update these Terms and Conditions from time to time. We will try to give you reasonable notice of any major changes.

2. Definitions

Actual Meter Readings means a meter reading taken at the Property by us or an appointed agent, a meter reading taken remotely, or a meter reading taken by you read from your Metering.

Advanced Meter means type of Metering that measures consumption data in multiple time periods and such data can be accessed by us remotely.

Advance Payment means a sum of money equal to one, two, or 3 months’ billing based on your estimated annual consumption.

Available Capacity means the total agreed maximum amount of Energy that the local Network Operator is required to make available in relation to your supply, as set out in any contract between you and the Network Operator.

Agreed Capacity Charge means a charge for the amount of Energy that is reserved for your Metering to be used at any time expressed in pence per kilovolt ampere (kVA) per day, which is agreed between you and the Network Operator and passed through by us from the Network Operator.

Bill means an invoice or statement that informs you of the amount of money owed to us by you, including any detailed breakdown of our Charges.

Capacity Excess Charge means a charge for instances when the Agreed Capacity has been exceeded. Expressed in pence per kilovolt ampere (kVA) per day, which is set by the Network Operator and passed through by us from the Network Operator.

Charges means the amount of money you owe us, including any fees you may incur, payable by you to us in accordance with your Agreement with us.

Commencement Date means the date we confirm acceptance of our Agreement in writing.

Connection Point means, in respect of each Property, the point(s) at which the Energy flows between the Network and your Metering, pipes or wires.

Contract means the supply contract between us and you that forms part of your Agreement with us or Deemed Contract.

Current Transformer Meter means type of Metering which uses a current transformer as part of the mechanism for measuring the electricity current.

Deemed Contract means a contract between you and us to supply Energy to the Property under these Terms and Conditions, without entering into a formal agreement with us for those services.

Director means a director as defined in the Companies Act 2006.

Due Date means the date by when we must receive the payment of Charges due from you, as specified in your in your Contract, in your Bill, or any other statement setting out amounts which you owe us.

End Date means the last date of the Fixed Term.

Fixed Term means the length of time during which your prices are fixed or flexed (as the case may be) as agreed between you and us and specified on your Contract.
Green Deal Premises means premises as defined in Condition 19C of the Standard Conditions of Electricity Supply Licence.

Half-Hourly Meter means type of Metering that measures consumption data in multiple periods and is able to provide such data in half-hourly periods.

Industry Codes means the codes and agreements referred to in our Supply Licence.

Large Gas Meter means type of Metering that is designed to operate with a maximum flow rate of greater than 11 cubic metres per hour.

Leaving Notice means a notice from you to us informing us of change of Property owner or occupier. The notice must include the following details:

a) The date you are leaving the Property;
b) Your new contact details; and
c) If you are the occupier of the property, the details of the Property owner.

Metering means, for each connection point, the appropriate metering (and related equipment) used for measuring Energy consumption at the connection point and for the collection and transmission of such data.

Microbusiness Customer means a non-domestic customer who meets one of the following criteria:

d) Employs fewer that ten (10) employees (or their full-time equivalent) and has an annual turnover or balance sheet no greater than €2million; or
e) uses no more than 100,000 kWh of electricity a year; or
f) uses no more than 293,000 kWh of gas a year.

Network means, as the case may be, either the electricity distribution network or the gas distribution network, through which you receive the supply of Energy.

Network Operator means, in respect of each property, the owner or operator of the Network.

Non-Domestic Property means Non-Domestic Premises as defined in Condition 6 of the Standard Conditions of Gas and Electricity Supply Licence.

Ofgem means the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets, an industry regulator set up by Parliament to protect the interests of energy customers.

Outstanding Charges means the amount of any Charges which are due to us from you, and which remain unpaid after the Due Date.

Property means any part of any land, building or structure that you wish to be supplied under your Agreement with us and at which the supply of Energy is used wholly or mainly for business purposes.

Reactive Power Charge means a charge for the electricity used to power up certain industrial and commercial equipment before working electricity is used to operate it, such as equipment that generates a magnetic field before full operation, expressed in pence per kilovolt ampere reactive hours (kVArh). It is calculated by the Network Operator and passed through by us from the Network Operator.

Related Metering Points means two or more metering points that supply the same customer and are located at the same (or any part of the same) Property.

Relevant Metering means type of Metering that we are required by our Supply Licence or Industry Codes to install and operate at your Property, and which includes Smart Meters, Advanced Meters, Current Transformer Meters, Half-Hourly Meters or Large Gas Meters.

Responsible Supplier means, for each Property, the supplier registered under the Industry Codes as responsible for the supply of Energy to the Connection Point(s) at that Property.

Shipperless Property means a property that has no current registered shipper but previously had one, and for which it has been established that gas is being consumed through Metering.

Smart Meter means type of Metering that complies with the Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specification Version 2 or later and enables us to access the information held of the smart meter remotely.

Standard Variable Rate Contract means a Contract with variable prices that can go up and down. The prices are available on the website https://pe.solutions

Supplier of Last Resort Direction means when Ofgem appoints another supplier to take over responsibility for our customers.

Supply Licence means either, as the case may be, our electricity supply licence held under section 6 of the Electricity Act 1989 or our gas supply licence held under section 7A of the Gas Act 1986.

Supply Start Date means the date we aim to start your supply of Energy to the Property under your Agreement with us.

Supply Transfer means, in relation to any Property at which a supplier is supplying Energy (gas and/or electricity), the transfer of responsibility for that supply (gas and/or electricity) from one supplier to another.

Termination Fee means a payment by you where your Agreement with us is terminated before the end of the Fixed Term and this payment is calculated in accordance with clause 10.3.

Unregistered Property means a property that has never been registered by a shipper but where there is Metering fitted and it has been established that gas is being consumed through Metering.

3. Deemed Contract

3.1. If you have become responsible for the Property where we currently supply Energy to you or otherwise you have become legally responsible for the Metering at the Property supplied by us, you will have a Deemed Contract with us.

3.2. A Deemed Contract comes into force on either:
3.2.1. The date we began to supply you with Energy;
3.2.2. The date you began to take supply of Energy from us.

3.3. When a Deemed Contract arises because Ofgem tells us to begin to supply you with Energy, we will honour the amount of credit owed to you by your previous supplier to the extent we had made such commitment to Ofgem prior to our appointment as your new supplier.

3.4. If you have a Deemed Contract with us these Terms of Conditions should be read as follows:
3.4.1. Our obligations in section 4 apply except for clauses 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, and 4.5;
3.4.2. Your obligations in section 5 apply except for clause 5.6;
3.4.3. All Supply, Access and Meters obligations in section 6 apply;
3.4.4. Your Tariffs obligations in section 7 apply except clause 7.3;
3.4.5. Payments obligations in section 8 apply except for clause 8.5;
3.4.6. All Renewal and Termination obligations in section 9, Termination Fee obligations in section 10, and Objection obligations in section 11 are excluded;
3.4.7. Disconnection obligations in section 12 apply except for clause 12.2.7;
3.4.8. All Liability obligation in section 13, Other Conditions obligations in section 14, Confidentiality obligations in section 15, Privacy and Data Protection obligations in section 16 and Complaints obligations in section 16 apply.

3.5. We will charge you for the supply of Energy at our Deemed Contract prices. Our Deemed Contract prices are available on the website https://pe.solutions

3.6. Your Deemed Contract with us will end:
3.6.1. When you enter into an Agreement with us;
3.6.2. Following completion of a Supply Transfer to another supplier. Your Deemed Contract with us will end on the Supply Start Date with your new supplier;
3.6.3. When you give us a Leaving Notice that you no longer will be responsible for the Property or the Metering at the Property, we supply Energy to, prior the date when you stop being responsible for that Property or Metering;
3.6.4. When we permanently disconnect the supply of Energy to your Property;
3.6.5. When Ofgem makes a Supplier of Last Resort Direction.

3.7. For the avoidance of doubt, if you have a Deemed Contract you are not required to provide us with a Termination Notice and we will not charge you a Termination Fee should you wish to complete a Supply Transfer to another supplier.

4. Our obligations

4.1. Your Agreement starts on the Commencement Date and will continue until either the End Date or the date your Agreement is terminated in accordance with clause 6.12 or section 9.

4.2. In certain circumstances we may (but will not be obliged to) vary the Charges, or add or amend a provision of your Agreement with us. These circumstances may include (but be not limited to):
4.2.1 A supply point is added, replaced re-energised, re-connected, or its voltage, measurement class or profile class is amended;
4.2.2 Your actual consumption is materially different from the estimated annual consumption of electricity and annual quantity of gas according to the amount held by the Industry or as stated in your Contract.

4.3. During the term of your Agreement with us we will supply Energy to you in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. We will supply Energy via the relevant Network Operator who will deliver the Energy to each Connection Point on our behalf. The Network Operator is responsible for maintaining the network and the connection of each Property to the network and may disconnect the supply of Energy where it is in accordance with its legal rights to do so.

4.4. We will take reasonable steps to complete a Supply Transfer in five (5) working days from the Commencement Date unless:
4.4.1. You have requested that the Supply Start Date is a later date;
4.4.2. You notify us that you do not wish for the Supply Transfer to take place;
4.4.3. The supplier who is the current Responsible Supplier raises an objection to the Supply Transfer in accordance with their terms and conditions;
4.4.4. We do not have all the information requested from you to complete the Supply Transfer, despite our reasonable efforts to obtain such information;
4.4.5. Your Property is part of an exempt distribution system;
4.4.6. Other circumstances beyond our reasonable control; or
4.4.7. The Commencement Date is after 5pm on a working day, in which case we will take reasonable steps to complete a Supply Transfer in five (5) working days from the next working day after the Commencement Date.

4.5. If on the day after the Supply Start Date, the Property is still being supplied by another supplier, we may agree another Supply Start Date. If your new Supply Start Date is more than thirty (30) days from the Commencement Date, we reserve the right to enter into another Agreement with us.

4.6. In the event that the supply of Energy to your Property is temporarily interrupted we will pass on any relevant compensation payments we receive from your Network Operator as a result of such temporary supply interruption.

4.7. We will report cases of suspected or actual theft to a central theft risk assessment service. We will refer individual cases to regional revenue protection services, who will carry out site visits and take any appropriate action.

5. Your obligations

5.1. You agree to carry out your responsibilities under this Agreement, including to take the Energy supplied to you by us and to pay any of the Charges due. This includes any additional Charges which may become due at any point during the term of our Agreement.

5.2. You agree that, so long as we are the Responsible Supplier, Energy supplied to your Property will be treated as having been supplied under our Agreement, even if you have a contract for the supply of Energy to your Property with any other person.

5.3. Ownership of the Energy will transfer to you at the Connection Point, where responsibility for the Energy will become your responsibility. Therefore, you will be responsible for Energy losses which are incurred on your side of the Connection Point.

5.4. You represent and warrant:
5.4.1. You are the owner or occupier of the Property (or will be on the agreed Supply Start Date);
5.4.2. The Property is and remains connected to the Network Operator’s network at the relevant Connection Point;
5.4.3. All of the information provided by you (or on your behalf) in relation to the Contract is accurate and complete, and not misleading;
5.4.4. You have or will obtain authorisation from your landlord to install Metering and associated equipment relating to the Property;
5.4.5. Maintain all pipes, equipment, wires, meters, and cables, as well as any other fittings belonging to you and used in conjunction with the supply on your side of the Metering (which starts at the Connection Point) in good working order and safe condition in compliance with the law at all times;
5.4.6. Provide us with the assistance and information that we reasonably require to enable us to comply with our obligations under your Agreement with us, our Supply Licence, and the Industry Codes.
5.4.7. Any and all Properties to which Energy is supplied under your Agreement with us are Non-Domestic Properties;
5.4.8. You will contact the National Gas Service Emergency Line immediately if you believe or suspect that there is or may be an escape of gas, by calling 0800 111 999 and allow the access necessary for the emergency services to be provided. In the case of an electricityal emergency, you will dial 105.
5.4.9. You will inform us after any such emergencies and cooperate with any further steps required by us.

5.5. You agree to maintain and comply with all necessary agreements and consents for connection to the Network Operator’s network at the relevant Connection Point.

5.6. You are responsible for terminating your agreement with your current supplier and ensuring that they have no cause to object to a Supply Transfer to us under your agreement with them.

5.7. When you are the occupier of the Property, you agree to provide us with the name, address, and telephone number of the owner of the Property at the start of your Agreement with us. If there are any changes to the Property owner, you agree to notify us of the changes in writing at least thirty (30) days prior the changes are due to be made or as soon as you become aware of them.

5.8. You agree to notify us in writing at least thirty (30) days prior the occurrence of the following events:
5.8.1. you make changes to the Property that are likely to alter the amount of Energy consumed or the time of day it is consumed;
5.8.2. if the Contract is for the supply of electricity, you install electricity generating equipment at the Property;
5.8.3. if the Contract is for the supply of electricity, you change the voltage at which you take the electricity supplied;
5.8.4. you make or anticipate any changes to the estimated minimum amounts of Energy you will require.

5.9. You agree to our contacting you in relation to your Agreement with us using any contact details provided to us by you

5.10. You acknowledge that as part of the provision of Energy to your Property, we may require information from your previous supplier. We may obtain from your previous supplier (or other relevant parties) any information which we reasonably require in the course of supplying Energy to the Property.

5.11. You must inform us immediately if at any point during the term of your Agreement with us you either become or stop being a Microbusiness Customer. We will not change the tariff you pay for the Energy supplied or the Terms of Conditions for the remainder of the term of your Agreement, however, you may be subject to additional taxes, duties or levies

5.12. You must inform us immediately if at any point during the term of your Agreement with us if any Property we supply Energy to under your Agreement with us stops being a Non-Domestic Property. We will not change the tariff you pay for Energy supplied to any such Property or the Terms and Conditions in respect of any such Property for the remainder of the term of your Agreement with us, however, you may be subject to different taxes, duties or levies. We will arrange a Supply Transfer of any such Property to another supplier from termination.

6. Supply, Access, and Meters

6.1. We may arrange for Metering to be installed, as necessary, for the Property supplied with Energy under your Agreement with us. Where relevant, you confirm that you are legally able to and have permission to allow us or agents working on our behalf into the Property and you will give us full access to the Metering whenever we require access (including agreeing to our gaining remote access).

6.2. Where we install the Metering, it will either belong to us or to a third-party with which we have a contractual relationship. You will not own the Metering and will not be able to object to its replacement with alternative Metering or the transfer of ownership of the Metering if replacement takes place.

6.3. You agree to, at all reasonable times, allow your Network Operator or us (including relevant employees, representatives, agents, and subcontractors) to have safe, full, and free access to the Property and Metering, including any equipment, wires, cables, and other fittings used in connection of the supply of Energy to your Property under your Agreement with us in order to install, read, maintain, inspect, remove or replace the Metering or any associated equipment. If there are any obstructions that prevent us (or any of our agents or contractors) from gaining access to your Property and Metering, you are responsible for removing the obstruction and for the cost of doing so.

6.4. You will take reasonable steps to ensure that all Metering and associated equipment (whether it belongs to us or a third-party) on or at your Property is not lost, stolen, or damaged. You agree to pay us for any costs we may incur (either directly or indirectly) in replacing or repairing lost, stolen, or damaged Metering unless the damage is caused by our act or omission.

6.5. Where we agree to replace the Metering at your request, you will reimburse us for any loss or expense that we incur (including abortive visit charges) in regard to such a change, where such a request is due to some reason other than that arising due to our failure to meet our obligations.

6.6. If you cancel your appointment less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the appointment date, we will charge you an appointment cancellation fee of one hundred (100) GBP.

6.7. It is your responsibility to provide us with meter readings on a monthly basis. We will use the readings you provide to us so long as that they are not inconsistent with the readings taken by us or our designated industry approved agents. We may, at our discretion, make arrangements for the Actual Meter Readings to be provided to us.

6.8. For the Properties that have Half-Hourly Meters, you will contract with a meter operator agent (as defined in the Industry Codes) for the maintenance of those meters. You will notify us of the entity with which you have contracted at least thirty (30) days in advance of the Supply Start Date (and in advance of any replacement). Where this clause 6.8 applies, you will be responsible for the accuracy of the meters and you will compensate us for any losses and costs we incur as a result of the poor performance of your agent.

6.9. If an Actual Meter Reading is not available or, where provided by you, it is in our reasonable belief inaccurate, we will estimate the amount of Energy used by you and will charge you accordingly. The estimate will be based on the estimated annual consumption of electricity and annual quantity of gas according to the amount as held to be standard by the Industry. Any such estimates shall be subject to reconciliations as actual or more accurate information becomes available to us.

6.10. If you reasonably believe that the Metering at the Property is inaccurate, you may ask us to test it. If you make such a request, we will arrange for the Metering to be tested within a reasonable period of time. If the accuracy of the Metering is found to be within the limits prescribed by the Industry Codes, you will reimburse us for the cost of the test. If the accuracy of the Metering is found to be outside the limits prescribed by the Industry Codes, we will repair or replace the Metering at our own cost and will apply a reasonable adjustment (up or down) to the Charges to reflect the inaccuracy.

6.11. We may need to change your Metering or related equipment in order to comply with Industry Codes or the Supply Licence. If we identify that your Metering needs to be changed, we will contact you to advise you on the next steps and any additional Charges that may become due as a result of the Metering change.

6.12. If we (including relevant employees, representatives, agents, and subcontractors) contact you to arrange to install Relevant Metering, you will allow us access to complete the installation without unreasonable delay. Where we are unreasonably denied access, we may ask you to pay any costs we have incurred, and we reserve the right to terminate your Agreement with us.

7. Charges
7.1. The Charges will be based on the prices and any taxes, duties or levies at the prevailing rate. The prices as well as any taxes, duties or levies that are applicable to you will be stated in your Contract. Any taxes, duties, levies that are introduced during the term of your Agreement with us and are payable by us for supplying your Energy will be charged to you in addition.
7.2. We may pass through third party and industry Charges. Any such Charges will be stated in your Contract. For example, if you have a Current Transformer Meter you will agree your Available Capacity with the Network Operator and will be subject to Agreed Capacity Charges. You may also be subject to Reactive Power Charges and Capacity Excess Charges.
7.3. If your third party and industry charges are fixed, they will not charge during the Contract, subject to clause 7.4.
7.4. In certain circumstances we may vary your third party and industry charges. These circumstances include:
7.4.1 an introduction of new third party and industry charges;
7.4.2. the way in which existing third party and industry charges are calculated;
7.4.3. if your third party and industry charges change following changes to your charging band allocation.
7.5. If you become subject to Agreed Capacity Charges, Reactive Power Charges, Capacity Excess Charges or any other industry charges during the term of your Agreement with us, they will be charged to you in addition.
7.6. If you have a contractual relationship with a third-party provider for meter maintenance and data collection and aggregation services, we reserve the right to apply an administration fee for each meter which requires migration to your third-party provider.

8. Payment

8.1. Your payment method will be stated in the Contract.

8.2. We will, each month or at such other intervals as stated in your Contract or otherwise agreed with you, send you a Bill for the relevant period. Bills are generated within forty-eight (48) hours after a meter reading is taken or provided to us by you.

8.3. The Charges may be based on a reasonable estimate of how much Energy you have used, on information we have about the Property, and the estimated annual consumption of electricity and annual quantity of gas as stated by the Industry. You must pay the Charges shown on the Bill by the Due Date, including where the Charges are based on such an estimate.

8.4. We will send the Bill to your e-billing account or prepaid post subject to additional charges for paper Bills. For customers wishing to receive paper Bills, an administration fee of two (2) GBP will be added to each Bill.

8.5. E-billing facilities may at our discretion entitle us to send the Bill to an e-mail address maintained by you or upload it onto your e-billing account. You will maintain an email address for this purpose and notify us of any changes to your email address. If an e-billing account is used, you will keep your password secure and confidential. We may close your e-billing account at any time without notice if we have reasons to believe that the account is being accessed or used in an unauthorised manner.

8.6. We will create your direct debit mandate within ten (10) days from the Commencement Date or the date you contact us to do so. If for any reason we are unable to create your direct debit mandate, for instance if the information you have provided us is incorrect, we will treat this as a direct debit cancellation, and you may incur an administration fee.

8.7. If you pay by fixed direct debit, the first payment will be taken on or around the tenth (10th) day of the month. Ongoing Direct Debit payments will be taken on or around the same day of each month as the first payment. We reserve the right to increase or decrease the amount of fixed direct debit billed to you within a reasonable margin, depending on shifts in your usage patterns.

8.8. If you pay by variable direct debit, payment will be debited from your account within seven (7) to ten (10) days from a Bill being issued.

8.9. If you pay by BACS/CHAPS, electronic transfer or debit/credit card, cleared funds must reach us by the Due Date and payment must be correctly referenced. If we are unable to identify your payment because of your failure to correctly reference it, we may treat it as non-payment and take steps in accordance with clause 8.11.

8.10. You must make sure that there is enough money in your account to cover the Charges. If you cancel your direct debit without prior notice before we can collect any payment due, you must contact us immediately to confirm your new payment method

8.11. If you do not pay the Charges by the Due Date, we will be entitled to take any of the following steps:
8.11.1. Charge you interest on the overdue amount at the rate prescribed by the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1988 (which is eight (8) per cent above the Bank of England base rate);
8.11.2. Charge you an administration fee in accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1988;
8.11.3. Demand payment of all unpaid Bills under your Agreement with us which will be deemed to be immediately due and payable;
8.11.4. Change the amount you pay or the payment method by which you pay;
8.11.5. Charge you reasonable expenses incurred in obtaining the money owed to us your Agreement with us, including costs associated with disconnecting, reconnecting, or replacing Metering;
8.11.6. Require you to make an Advance Payment or pay the Charges for each month in advance based on our estimate of likely Energy consumption in that month);
8.11.7. Pay a performance bond, in an amount which we reasonably determine to be the approximate value of three (3) months’ supply of Energy;
8.11.8. Require you to pay us a deposit in an amount equal to our estimate of our likely exposure to you under your Agreement with us (in which case title to such amount will vest in us, but we will pay you an equal amount after the payment of the final Bill following the end of the Contract) (subject to any amounts deducted by us in settlement of Outstanding Charges under your Agreement with us); and
8.11.9. Pass information relating to you onto a credit reference agency.

8.12. If the Charges remain unpaid after the Due Date, your Directors irrevocably and unconditionally undertake and guarantee to pay any Outstanding Charges.

8.13. If you disagree with the Charges, you should contact us immediately to submit an Actual Meter Reading and provide any attendant evidence (such as photographs) as required.

8.14. If you have difficulty paying the Charges, you should contract us immediately. We will discuss your payment methods options and try to help in line with our policies and code of practice.

8.15. In the event of continued non-payment, we may refer you to our partner debt collection agency and reserve the right to charge you the cost of recovering any Outstanding Charges as well as the cost of collection.

8.16. Any refund amount due to you will be set-off against amounts owed and will be paid back through your e-billing account over the course of the term of your Agreement with us. For the avoidance of doubt, offset will settle both the amount owed to you and the amount you owe.

8.17. Where a credit arises, we will deduct the amount of credit from the total we take by direct debit. However, if we have consented to payment terms other than by direct debit or if the credit is greater than the amount owing to us, then we will credit the amount to an account operated by us for that purpose. We will pay any such amount to you on request. We will send the reconciliation notice or credit note to your address as held by us, unless we are aware that you are no longer in occupation of the Property and you have not provided a forwarding address.

8.18. If you are a Microbusiness Customer, when we send you a Bill, we can only look to recover Charges for the Energy supplied to you in the last twelve (12) months from the date on which we issue you the Bill, unless:
8.18.1. We have already sent you a Bill and are in contact with you about payment of previously billed Charges;
8.18.2. You behave in an obstructive or unreasonable way (for example you do not allow us or agents acting on our behalf to access to your Metering to read them without good reason , physically blocking more than one reasonable attempt to access your Metering, or you are behaving unlawfully by stealing Energy or, where you are responsible for your Metering and you fail to keep it in proper working order), or
8.18.3. Any other circumstances specified by Ofgem.

8.19. If at any time during the term of your Agreement with us we receive credit reports which we are not satisfied with, we may ask for an Advance Payment or an increase in the Advance Payment.

8.20. If you are required to make an Advance Payment during the term of your Agreement with us, the Advanced Payment will be reconciled as part of a Bill issued to you in the final month of your Agreement with us.

9. Renewal and Termination

9.1. If you renew your Contract with us for another Fixed Term, you will enter into another Agreement with us which will start on the day after the End Date and will end on a new End Date.

9.2. If you do not renew your Contract for another Fixed Term or your Agreement with us is not terminated by the End Date, we will move you to a Standard Variable Rate Contract from the date after the End Date.

9.3. Your Agreement can be terminated on the End Date provided that:
9.3.1. there are no Outstanding Charges on the account; and
9.3.2. your Supply Transfer has gone ahead on a Supply Start Date which is on the date after the end of the Fixed Term; or
9.3.3. the Energy supply to the Property is disconnected at the end of the Fixed Term.

9.4. If you terminate or try to terminate your Agreement with us prior to the End Date or we terminate your Agreement with us in accordance with our rights, we may charge you a Termination Fee.

9.5. On or around sixty (60) days before the End Date, we will send you a renewal notice.

9.6. Where you will no longer be the owner or occupier of a Property, you must give us at least thirty (30) days’ prior Leaving Notice of the date the change in ownership or occupier is expected to occur. Your Agreement with us in respect of the Property will end the day after you have left the Property provided that we have received the Leaving Notice from you prior to the date you are leaving the Property. If we do not receive the Leaving Notice prior to the date you are leaving the Property, you will be liable for some or all of the Charges in respect of the Property until we enter into an Agreement for the Property with another party (which may deem to occur under law).

9.7. We may terminate your Agreement with us at any time for any or all of the Properties with Metering if:
9.7.1. We give you a notice of suspension of supply relating to the case where any legally authorised third party asks you to stop or limit the amount of Energy you use at the site such as where somebody’s property or safety is in danger;
9.7.2. You fail to pay the Charges in full within ten (10) days after us informing you of such failure;
9.7.3. You are in material breach of any of the provisions of your Agreement with us (other than failure to pay a Bill or other Charges) and such breach is not remedied to our reasonable satisfaction within two (2) days after you receive notice from us informing you of such breach;
9.7.4. We serve you with written notice because you stop trading or you are deemed in accordance with law to be unable to pay your debts, or any legal proceedings or other steps are taken in relation to your winding-up or liquidation, the appointment of a liquidator, receiver, administrator, administrative receiver or similar officer in respect of you or your assets, a composition, assignment, or arrangement with your creditors;
9.7.5. It becomes unlawful for you or us to comply with any material provision of your Agreement with us;
9.7.6. A landlord’s consent is required for us to become the Responsible Supplier for the Property (including for us to use a network that is not operated by a statutory licensee), and you have not obtained such consent on terms acceptable to us (or that consent ends);
9.7.7. We have not been able to become the Responsible Supplier for the Property within thirty (30) days from the Commencement Date;
9.7.8. You have failed to make an Advance Payment to us two (2) days before the Supply Start Date or by the date specified by us ;
9.7.9. We cannot access or are prevented from accessing the Property;
9.7.10. We establish that the Property is a Shipperless Property or Unregistered Property;
9.7.11. Supplying you with Energy would put us in breach of the terms of our Supply Licence;
9.7.12. We cannot support the Metering at your site through our existing systems; or
9.7.13. Our Supply Licence is revoked, or Ofgem makes a Supplier of Last Resort Direction to another supplier.
9.7.14. Your Property becomes Green Deal Premises.

9.8. If we end your Agreement with us in respect of any or all the Properties, we will inform you of the end date (and, if your Agreement with us is not ending, of the affected Properties).

9.9. Following the ending or expiry of your Agreement with us, we will prepare a final Bill for you, setting out all Outstanding Charges that are owed to us by you. We may need a final meter reading for this.

9.10. The ending or expiry of your Agreement with us for whatever reason will be without prejudice to your and our rights and remedies which have accrued prior to the end or expiry of your Agreement with us.

9.11. Such ending or expiry will also be without prejudice to the continuing validity of any provision of your Agreement with us which expressly or by implication is intended to come into or remain in force on or after the end or expiry of your Agreement with us.

10. Termination Fee

10.1. Without prejudice to our rights to pursue any additional remedy in addition to any Charges owed by you, we reserve the right to charge you a Termination Fee if any of the circumstances in clause 10.2 arise.

10.2. The circumstances referred to in clause 10.1 are:
10.2.1. Where your Agreement with us is wrongfully terminated by you;
10.2.2. Where your Agreement with is terminated by us as a result of your material breach of your Agreement with us;
10.2.3. Where you have failed to provide us with a Leaving Notice prior to the date you are leaving the Property;
10.2.4. Without prejudice to our rights to object to a Supply Transfer, where you try to arrange a Supply Transfer to another supplier prior to the end of the Fixed Term. The Termination Fee will become due on the date we receive notice of a Supply Transfer from another supplier.

10.3. The Termination Fee is worked out as follows:
10.3.1. If following your Commencement Date, we have not yet started supplying to you:

”T” in GBP means Termination Fee;
“CH” in GBP means based on the estimated annual consumption of electricity/annual quantity of gas as stated on your Contract or held by the Industry, the amount of Charges that will be due for the supply of Energy between the Commencement Date and End Date.

10.3.2. If following your Commencement Date, we already started supplying to you:


“T” in GBP means Termination Fee;
“CH” in GBP means the amount of the Charges paid by you for the supply of Energy between CD and TD;
“CD” means Commencement Date;
“ED” means End Date;
“TD” means the date when your Agreement with us is to be terminated.

11. Objection

11.1. In addition to our other rights, and subject to any restrictions imposed by law or under the Industry Codes, if we receive notice of a Supply Transfer from another supplier for a Property supplied under your Agreement with us, we reserve the right to object to the Supply Transfer if any of the circumstances in clause 11.2 apply.

11.2. Clause 11.1 will apply in any of the following circumstances:
11.2.2. You have Outstanding Charges in relation to the Property supplied with Energy (or in connection with the supply of Energy) under your Agreement with us;
11.2.5. You are in a material breach of any of the provisions of your Agreement with us and such breach is not remedied to our reasonable satisfaction.
11.3. If we object to the Supply Transfer, we will notify you within one (1) working days from making the objection to another supplier and explain the reasons for it and how you may dispute or resolve such objection.
11.4. If you believe that your Supply Transfer to another supplier has been initiated in error, let us know and we will take reasonable steps to cancel your Supply Transfer.

12. Disconnection

12.1. We will give you notice of our intention to disconnect the supply of Energy to a Property in accordance with our obligations under the law, our Supply Licence, and the relevant Industry Codes.

12.2. We will have the right to disconnect the supply of Energy to a Property, if:
12.2.1. You do not pay the Charges by the Due Date;
12.2.2. You commit a material breach of your Agreement with us;
12.2.3. In our reasonable belief the Energy intended to be supplied to you is being stolen or redirected;
12.2.4. In our reasonable belief there has been interference with the network or Metering;
12.2.5. It is necessary to do so to avoid danger or a breach of an Industry Code;
12.2.6. We are obliged to disconnect the Property under law, regulation, our Supply Licence of any Industry Code; or
12.2.7. After we terminate your Agreement with us in accordance with section 9.7, if we remain the Responsible Supplier.

12.3. Where a disconnection is to occur, a several stage process will be initiated, including a site and pre-disconnection visit during which contact with you will be ongoing and resolution is to be encouraged. A letter of intent will be provided to you before further legal action is initiated.

12.4. You agree that we and our designated agents may access a Property for the purposes of disconnecting the supply of Energy to that Property. You also agree that we may disconnect the supply remotely if the Metering allows for this.

12.5. If the Energy supply to the Property is disconnected because of something you have done or omitted to do, you will:
12.5.1. Compensate us for any loss or costs incurred through disconnecting the Energy supply;
12.5.2. Compensate us for any costs incurred in re-connecting the supply of Energy; or
12.5.3. Pay any associated costs relating to the disconnection such as fees involved in getting a warrant to enter your site to disconnect it or any costs associated with our chasing payment of any Charges owed to us under your Agreement with us.

13. Liability

13.1. We are only legally responsible to you to the extent expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions. We have no other duty or legal responsibility to you. All other legal responsibilities, guaranties, and conditions or warranties implied by law or otherwise are disapplied to the greatest extent permitted by the law.

13.2. We will not be responsible for the quality or consistency of the Energy supplied at your Property. If we cannot make sure that you are supplied with Energy for some reason that is beyond our reasonable control because of third party supply (for instance, by a supplier or distributor, shipper, re-seller, or transporter), we will not be held to account for broken arrangements or breach of contract. Thus we have no obligation in respect of the Energy supply if the supply is shut-down, interrupted, delayed, reduced or impaired because of any actions by the Network Operator. Further, we will not be liable to you for any damages or equipment installed or stored at a property belonging (either occupied or in legal possession) to third parties.

13.3. We are not legally responsible to you in any way for direct or indirect loss of business, profit, goodwill, interest, or lost opportunity or income or for any other loss or damage (other than that arising from its own fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation) which could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time this Agreement was entered into.

13.4. We will not be legally responsible to you for any loss or costs which you have suffered or incurred as a result of your legal responsibility to any other person or party.

13.5. Our liability to you is not otherwise excluded by anything in this Liability Section. Our total responsibility to you under the law is limited to one thousand (1000) GBP for any one incident and will, in no circumstance, exceed the average total charges paid to us in each year where it is in relation to all claims brought against us under this Agreement. Our legal responsibility to you is not limited where we have committed fraud or in the case of death or personal injury.

13.6. Each of the clauses 13.1 to 13.5 can be enforced separately. If for any reason one or more of these terms are found not to be valid or to be unreasonable, we may still enforce the remainder of the clauses.

14. Other Conditions

14.1. Notice: All notices or other communications to be given by either party in relation to your Agreement with us must be: (i) in writing and addressed and sent to the recipient’s address or number as shown on the Contract or (ii) by post, or email. All notices or other communications sent will be deemed to have been received (i) when delivered, where delivered by hand or courier; (ii) on the third day following the date of posting, where done by prepaid first class post; (iii) when sent from the recipient’s email server if sent within normal business hours, where by email, otherwise at 9:00am hours on the next normal working day.

14.2. Assignability: We may assign or transfer all or any of our rights (including the right to demand that you pay any charges owed and any future rights under it) and legal responsibilities under this Agreement without your permission. You shall be notified of such a change and will be deemed to have consented to such a transfer from the time of notification. We can also subcontract any of our obligations under this Agreement without your permission.

14.3. Transfer: Your rights and responsibilities under this Agreement are personal to the business and you are not entitled to transfer any part of the obligations or rights arising under your Agreement with us to any third party without our prior written permission.

14.4. Change of Law: We may stop, suspend, or restrict the supply of Energy to the Property due to a change in law, including an Act of Parliament or any regulation made pursuant to it. Whilst any such law is in force you must not use Energy, or if required, comply with any limits set on the amount of Energy you can use. You will be provided with more information if this situation arises. If any of the provisions of any industry code are amended or varied or cease to apply, you will, at our request, agree to amend the contract to accommodate any such amendment, variation or cessation in such manner as we reasonably require.

14.5. Severability: If a provision of your Agreement with us is declared invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severed and omitted from this agreement and the remaining provisions shall continue to be enforce and apply to the parties.

14.6. Force Majeure: If either party is unable to perform any of the obligations under this Agreement (other than payment obligations as per section 8, because of some unforeseeable event or circumstance beyond the performing party’s reasonable control, then the contact will remain in full effect but the performing party will have no liability for such failure to perform.

14.7. Waiver: Any delay or omission by us in asserting any right or remedy under your Agreement with us shall not be construed as a waiver of such right or remedy nor shall a partial assertion preclude an assertion of the same at a later date.

14.8. Third Party Rights: No provision of this Agreement shall be enforceable by a third party, whether under the Agreements (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.

14.9. Entire Agreement: The terms and conditions of this Agreement along with the pricing information, the Contract and its annexes or schedules, and any other documents referred to in these terms and conditions constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. You hereby acknowledge that you have not relied on any representation, statement, promise, assurance, or guarantee outside this Agreement.

14.10. Governing Law: This Agreement is interpreted and governed by English law and any disputes arising under it shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

15. Confidentiality

15.1. During the term of your Agreement with us and for a year after its termination, you and us agree to keep the commercial and financial parts of our Agreement strictly confidential. This will not prevent our sharing of information:
15.1.1. As required by law or under the rules of any recognised stock exchange or competent authority; or
15.1.2. To your appointed representative or agent.

16. Privacy and Data Protection
16.1. We respect your right to privacy. We process the personal data you provide to us or which we legally receive from another entity in connection with your Agreement with us. This includes collecting personal data about you, your employees, contactors, agents, clients, tenants or customers. We may also obtain information about you or your business from credit reference, regulatory, and fraud prevention agencies in order to assess your ability to pay for services provided to you. We process the personal data in accordance with the Privacy Notice, as amended from time to time, on our website https://pe.solutions/privacy-policy/

17. Complaints
17.1. If you are dissatisfied with our service, you may contact us on 0333 370 9900. We aim to resolve any complaint within 5 working days. If you require further assistance, we invite you to escalate the matter to our Compliance Management team by emailing compliancemanagement@pe.solutions.

17.2. If you are a Microbusiness Customer you may contact the Citizens Advice Bureau which offers free, independent advice regarding to your rights.

17.3. If you are a Microbusiness Customer, and you have reached a deadlock or have an active complaint after eight weeks, and you are not satisfied with the way we have handled your compliant, you can contact the Energy Ombudsman on https://www.energyombudsman.org/how-we-can-help

Last updated 19 October 2022

1. General Terms
1.1. These Terms and Conditions are for business customers (which includes Microbusiness Customers). They should be read alongside your Contract, which together make up the “Agreement” between us.
1.2. The Agreement is between us, (Pozitive Energy Limited) and you, where you have decided to enter into an Agreement for the supply of gas, electricity or both to Non-Domestic Premises.
1.3. Please note that any reference to the word ‘Property’ means Non-Domestic Property which are not or are not to become Green Deal Premises during the Contract.
1.4. Please note that references to the word ‘Energy’ means electricity or gas which we have agreed to supply to your Property, subject to these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions apply separately in respect of each account under which we supply you with Energy.
1.5. Please read them carefully so that you are fully aware and understand our mutual obligations and responsibilities. In the event of inconsistency with any other document, these Terms and Conditions will prevail over any other document between us including, your Contract unless otherwise agreed with you.
1.6. These Terms and Conditions apply to all Contracts unless specified otherwise in the Contract.
1.7. We may amend and update these Terms and Conditions from time to time. We will try to give you reasonable notice of any major changes.
2. Definitions
Actual Meter Readings means a meter reading taken at the Property by us or an appointed agent, a meter reading taken remotely, or a meter reading taken by you read from your Metering.
Advanced Meter means type of Metering that measures consumption data in multiple time periods and such data can be accessed by us remotely.
Advance Payment means a sum of money equal to one, two, or 3 months’ billing based on your estimated annual consumption.
Available Capacity means the total agreed maximum amount of Energy that the local Network Operator is required to make available in relation to your supply, as set out in any contract between you and the Network Operator.
Agreed Capacity Charge means a charge for the amount of Energy that is reserved for your Metering to be used at any time expressed in pence per kilovolt ampere (kVA) per day, which is agreed between you and the Network Operator and passed through by us from the Network Operator.
Bill means an invoice or statement that informs you of the amount of money owed to us by you, including any detailed breakdown of our Charges.
Capacity Excess Charge means a charge for instances when the Agreed Capacity has been exceeded. Expressed in pence per kilovolt ampere (kVA) per day, which is set by the Network Operator and passed through by us from the Network Operator.
Charges means the amount of money you owe us, including any fees you may incur, payable by you to us in accordance with your Agreement with us.
Commencement Date means the date we confirm acceptance of our Agreement in writing.
Connection Point means, in respect of each Property, the point(s) at which the Energy flows between the Network and your Metering, pipes or wires.
Contract means the supply contract between us and you that forms part of your Agreement with us or Deemed Contract.
Current Transformer Meter means type of Metering which uses a current transformer as part of the mechanism for measuring the electricity current.
Deemed Contract means a contract between you and us to supply Energy to the Property under these Terms and Conditions, without entering into a formal agreement with us for those services.
Director means a director as defined in the Companies Act 2006.
Due Date means the date by when we must receive the payment of Charges due from you, as specified in your in your Contract, in your Bill, or any other statement setting out amounts which you owe us.
End Date means the last date of the Fixed Term.
Fixed Term means the length of time during which your prices are fixed or flexed (as the case may be) as agreed between you and us and specified on your Contract.
Green Deal Premises means premises as defined in Condition 19C of the Standard Conditions of Electricity Supply Licence.
Guarantor means a Director of the company which has entered into an Agreement with us.
Half-Hourly Meter means type of Metering that measures consumption data in multiple periods and is able to provide such data in half-hourly periods.
Industry Codes means the codes and agreements referred to in our Supply Licence.
Large Gas Meter means type of Metering that is designed to operate with a maximum flow rate of greater than 11 cubic metres per hour.
Leaving Notice means a notice from you to us informing us of change of Property owner or occupier. The notice must include the following details:
a) The date you are leaving the Property;
b) Your new contact details; and
c) If you are the occupier of the property, the details of the Property owner.
Metering means, for each connection point, the appropriate metering (and related equipment) used for measuring Energy consumption at the connection point and for the collection and transmission of such data.
Microbusiness Customer means a non-domestic customer who meets one of the following criteria:
d) Employs fewer that ten (10) employees (or their full-time equivalent) and has an annual turnover or balance sheet no greater than €2million; or
e) uses no more than 100,000 kWh of electricity a year; or
f) uses no more than 293,000 kWh of gas a year.
Network means, as the case may be, either the electricity distribution network or the gas distribution network, through which you receive the supply of Energy.
Network Operator means, in respect of each property, the owner or operator of the Network.
Non-Domestic Property means Non-Domestic Premises as defined in Condition 6 of the Standard Conditions of Gas and Electricity Supply Licence.
Ofgem means the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets, an industry regulator set up by Parliament to protect the interests of energy customers.
Outstanding Charges means the amount of any Charges which are due to us from you, and which remain unpaid after the Due Date.
Property means any part of any land, building or structure that you wish to be supplied under your Agreement with us and at which the supply of Energy is used wholly or mainly for business purposes.
Reactive Power Charge means a charge for the electricity used to power up certain industrial and commercial equipment before working electricity is used to operate it, such as equipment that generates a magnetic field before full operation, expressed in pence per kilovolt ampere reactive hours (kVArh). It is calculated by the Network Operator and passed through by us from the Network Operator.
Related Metering Points means two or more metering points that supply the same customer and are located at the same (or any part of the same) Property.
Relevant Metering means type of Metering that we are required by our Supply Licence or Industry Codes to install and operate at your Property, and which includes Smart Meters, Advanced Meters, Current Transformer Meters, Half-Hourly Meters or Large Gas Meters.
Responsible Supplier means, for each Property, the supplier registered under the Industry Codes as responsible for the supply of Energy to the Connection Point(s) at that Property.
Shipperless Property means a property that has no current registered shipper but previously had one, and for which it has been established that gas is being consumed through Metering.
Smart Meter means type of Metering that complies with the Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specification Version 2 or later and enables us to access the information held of the smart meter remotely.
Supplier of Last Resort Direction means when Ofgem appoints another supplier to take over responsibility for our customers.
Supply Licence means either, as the case may be, our electricity supply licence held under section 6 of the Electricity Act 1989 or our gas supply licence held under section 7A of the Gas Act 1986.
Supply Start Date means the date we aim to start your supply of Energy to the Property under your Agreement with us.
Supply Transfer means, in relation to any Property at which a supplier is supplying Energy (gas and/or electricity), the transfer of responsibility for that supply (gas and/or electricity) from one supplier to another.
Termination Fee means a payment by you where your Agreement with us is terminated before the end of the Fixed Term and this payment is calculated in accordance with clause 10.3.
Unregistered Property means a property that has never been registered by a shipper but where there is Metering fitted and it has been established that gas is being consumed through Metering.

3. Deemed Contract
3.1. If you have become responsible for the Property where we currently supply Energy to you or otherwise you have become legally responsible for the Metering at the Property supplied by us, you will have a Deemed Contract with us.
3.2. A Deemed Contract comes into force on either:
3.2.1. The date we began to supply you with Energy;
3.2.2. The date you began to take supply of Energy from us.
3.3. When a Deemed Contract arises because Ofgem tells us to begin to supply you with Energy, we will protect the amount of credit owed to you by your previous supplier to the extent we had made such commitment to Ofgem prior to our appointment as your new supplier.
3.4. If you have a Deemed Contract with us these Terms of Conditions should be read as follows:
3.4.1. The following obligations in section 4 apply: 4.4 and 4.7;
3.4.2. All obligations in section 5 apply except: 5.6 and 5.11;
3.4.3. All obligations in section 6 apply;
3.4.4. The following obligations in section 7 apply: 7.1, 7.2 and 7.6
3.4.5. All obligations in section 8 apply except: 8.1, 8.11.4, 8.11.6, 8.11.7, 8.18, 8.20, 8.21;
3.4.6. All obligations in sections 9, 10 and 11 are excluded;
3.4.7. All obligations in section 12 apply except 12.2.7;
3.4.8. All obligation in sections 13, 14, 15 and 16 apply.
3.5. We will charge you for the supply of Energy at our Deemed Contract prices. Our Deemed Contract prices are available on the website https://pe.solutions/.
3.6. Your Deemed Contract with us will end:
3.6.1. When you enter into an Agreement with us;
3.6.2. Following completion of a Supply Transfer to another supplier. Your Deemed Contract with us will end on the Supply Start Date with your new supplier;
3.6.3. When you give us a Leaving Notice that you no longer will be responsible for the Property or the Metering at the Property, we supply Energy to, prior the date when you stop being responsible for that Property or Metering;
3.6.4. When we permanently disconnect the supply of Energy to your Property;
3.6.5. When Ofgem makes a Supplier of Last Resort Direction.
3.7. For the avoidance of doubt, if you have a Deemed Contract we will not charge you a Termination Fee should you wish to complete a Supply Transfer to another supplier.
4. Our obligations
4.1. Your Agreement starts on the Commencement Date and will continue until either the End Date or the date your Agreement is terminated in accordance with clause 6.12 or section 9.
4.2. When you enter into a Contract with us we will confirm the initial prices of Energy. These form part of your Contract. We may change these prices from time to time, including (but be not limited to):
4.2.1. If a supply point is added, replaced, re-energised, re-connected, or its voltage, measurement class or profile class is amended;
4.2.2. If your actual consumption is greater than the estimated annual consumption of electricity/annual quantity of gas according to the amount stated on your Contract or held by the Industry, we reserve the right to vary the prices of energy for the increased amount. If your estimated annual consumption of electricity/annual quantity of gas is less than the amount as stated in your Contract or held by the Industry, we reserve the right to pass on to you any losses we incur in the course of a year on commodity prices as a result of your underconsumption.
4.3. During the term of your Agreement with us we will supply Energy to you in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. We will supply Energy via the relevant Network Operator who will deliver the Energy to each Connection Point on our behalf. The Network Operator is responsible for maintaining the network and the connection of each Property to the network and may disconnect the supply of Energy where it is in accordance with its legal rights to do so.
4.4. We will take reasonable steps to complete a Supply Transfer in five (5) working days from the Commencement Date unless:
4.4.1. You have requested that the Supply Start Date is a later date;
4.4.2. You notify us that you do not wish for the Supply Transfer to take place;
4.4.3. The supplier who is the current Responsible Supplier raises an objection to the Supply Transfer in accordance with their terms and conditions;
4.4.4. We do not have all the information requested from you to complete the Supply Transfer, despite our reasonable efforts to obtain such information;
4.4.5. Your Property is part of an exempt distribution system;
4.4.6. Other circumstances beyond our reasonable control;
4.4.7. The Commencement Date is after 5pm on a working day, in which case we will take reasonable steps to complete a Supply Transfer in five (5) working days from the next working day after the Commencement Date.
4.5. If on the day after the Supply Start Date, the Property is still being supplied by another supplier, we may agree another Supply Start Date with you. If another Supply Start Date is agreed, your Commencement Date and End Date will remain as per your Agreement with us.
4.6. In the event that the supply of Energy to your Property is temporarily interrupted we will pass on any relevant compensation payments we receive from your Network Operator as a result of such temporary supply interruption.
4.7. We will report cases of suspected or actual theft to a central theft risk assessment service. We will refer individual cases to regional revenue protection services, who will carry out site visits and take any appropriate action.
5. Your obligations
5.1. You agree to carry out your responsibilities under this Agreement, including to take the Energy supplied to you by us and to pay any of the Charges due. This includes any additional Charges which may become due at any point during the term of our Agreement.
5.2. You agree that, so long as we are the Responsible Supplier, Energy supplied to your Property will be treated as having been supplied under our Agreement, even if you have a contract for the supply of Energy to your Property with any other person.
5.3. Ownership of the Energy will transfer to you at the Connection Point, where responsibility for the Energy will become your responsibility. Therefore, you will be responsible for Energy losses which are incurred on your side of the Connection Point.
5.4. You represent and warrant:
5.4.1. You are the owner or occupier of the Property (or will be on the agreed Supply Start Date);
5.4.2. The Property is and remains connected to the Network Operator’s network at the relevant Connection Point;
5.4.3. All of the information provided by you (or on your behalf) in relation to the Contract is accurate and complete, and not misleading;
5.4.4. You have or will obtain authorisation from your landlord to install Metering and associated equipment relating to the Property;
5.4.5. Maintain all pipes, equipment, wires, meters, and cables, as well as any other fittings belonging to you and used in conjunction with the supply on your side of the Metering (which starts at the Connection Point) in good working order and safe condition in compliance with the law at all times;
5.4.6. Provide us with assistance and information that we reasonably require to enable us to comply with our obligations under your Agreement with us, our Supply Licence, and the Industry Codes.
5.4.7. Any and all Properties to which Energy is supplied under your Agreement with us are Non-Domestic Properties;
5.4.8. You will contact the National Gas Service Emergency Line immediately if you believe or suspect that there is or may be an escape of gas, by calling 0800 111 999 and allow the access necessary for the emergency services to be provided. In the case of an electricityal emergency, you will dial 105.
5.4.9. You will inform us after any such emergencies and cooperate with any further steps required by us.
5.5. You agree to maintain and comply with all necessary agreements and consents for connection to the Network Operator’s network at the relevant Connection Point.
5.6. You are responsible for terminating your agreement with your current supplier and ensuring that they have no cause to object to a Supply Transfer to us under your agreement with them.
5.7. When you are the occupier of the Property, you agree to provide us with the name, address, and telephone number of the owner of the Property at the start of your Agreement with us. If there are any changes to the Property owner, you agree to notify us of the changes in writing at least thirty (30) days prior the changes are due to be made or as soon as you become aware of them.
5.8. You agree to notify us in writing at least thirty (30) days prior the occurrence of the following events:
5.8.1. you make changes to the Property that are likely to alter the amount of Energy consumed or the time of day it is consumed;
5.8.2. if the Contract is for the supply of electricity, you install electricity generating equipment at the Property;
5.8.3. if the Contract is for the supply of electricity, you change the voltage at which you take the electricity supplied;
5.8.4. you make or anticipate any changes to the estimated minimum amounts of Energy you will require.
5.9. You agree to our contacting you in relation to your Agreement with us using any contact details provided to us by you.
5.10. You acknowledge that as part of the provision of Energy to your Property, we may require information from your previous supplier. We may obtain from your previous supplier (or other relevant parties) any information which we reasonably require in the course of supplying Energy to the Property.
5.11. You must inform us immediately if at any point during the term of your Agreement with us you either become or stop being a Microbusiness Customer. We will not change the tariff you pay for the Energy supplied or the Terms of Conditions for the remainder of the term of your Agreement, however, you may be subject to additional taxes, duties or levies.
5.12. You must inform us immediately if at any point during the term of your Agreement with us if any Property we supply Energy to under your Agreement with us stops being a Non-Domestic Property. We will not change the tariff you pay for Energy supplied to any such Property or the Terms and Conditions in respect of any such Property for the remainder of the term of your Agreement with us, however, you may be subject to different taxes, duties or levies. We will arrange a Supply Transfer of any such Property to another supplier from termination.
6. Supply, Access, and Meters
6.1. We may arrange for Metering to be installed, as necessary, for the Property supplied with Energy under your Agreement with us. Where relevant, you confirm that you are legally able to and have permission to allow us or agents working on our behalf into the Property and you will give us full access to the Metering whenever we require access (including agreeing to our gaining remote access).
6.2. Where we install the Metering, it will either belong to us or to a third-party with which we have a contractual relationship. You will not own the Metering and will not be able to object to its replacement with alternative Metering or the transfer of ownership of the Metering if replacement takes place.
6.3. You agree to, at all reasonable times, allow your Network Operator or us (including relevant employees, representatives, agents, and subcontractors) to have safe, full, and free access to the Property and Metering, including any equipment, wires, cables, and other fittings used in connection of the supply of Energy to your Property under your Agreement with us in order to install, read, maintain, inspect, remove or replace the Metering or any associated equipment. If there are any obstructions that prevent us (or any of our agents or contractors) from gaining access to your Property and Metering, you are responsible for removing the obstruction and for the cost of doing so.
6.4. You will take reasonable steps to ensure that all Metering and associated equipment (whether it belongs to us or a third-party) on or at your Property is not lost, stolen, or damaged. You agree to pay us for any costs we may incur (either directly or indirectly) in replacing or repairing lost, stolen, or damaged Metering unless the damage is caused by our act or omission.
6.5. Where we agree to replace the Metering at your request, you will reimburse us for any loss or expense that we incur (including abortive visit charges) in regard to such a change, where such a request is due to some reason other than that arising due to our failure to meet our obligations.
6.6. If you cancel your appointment less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the appointment date, we will charge you an appointment cancellation fee of one hundred (100) GBP.
6.7. It is your responsibility to provide us with meter readings on a monthly basis. We will use the readings you provide to us so long as that they are not inconsistent with the readings taken by us or our designated industry approved agents. We may, at our discretion, make arrangements for the Actual Meter Readings to be provided to us.
6.8. For the Properties that have Half-Hourly Meters, you will contract with a meter operator agent (as defined in the Industry Codes) for the maintenance of those meters. You will notify us of the entity with which you have contracted at least thirty (30) days in advance of the Supply Start Date (and in advance of any replacement). Where this clause 6.8 applies, you will be responsible for the accuracy of the meters and you will compensate us for any losses and costs we incur as a result of the poor performance of your agent.
6.9. If an Actual Meter Reading is not available or, where provided by you, it is in our reasonable belief inaccurate, we will estimate the amount of Energy used by you and will charge you accordingly. The estimate will be based on the estimated annual consumption of electricity and annual quantity of gas according to the amount as held to be standard by the Industry. Any such estimates shall be subject to reconciliations as actual or more accurate information becomes available to us.
6.10. If you reasonably believe that the Metering at the Property is inaccurate, you may ask us to test it. If you make such a request, we will arrange for the Metering to be tested within a reasonable period of time. If the accuracy of the Metering is found to be within the limits prescribed by the Industry Codes, you will reimburse us for the cost of the test. If the accuracy of the Metering is found to be outside the limits prescribed by the Industry Codes, we will repair or replace the Metering at our own cost and will apply a reasonable adjustment (up or down) to the Charges to reflect the inaccuracy.
6.11. We may need to change your Metering or related equipment in order to comply with Industry Codes or the Supply Licence. If we identify that your Metering needs to be changed, we will contact you to advise you on the next steps and any additional Charges that may become due as a result of the Metering change.
6.12. If we (including relevant employees, representatives, agents, and subcontractors) contact you to arrange to install Relevant Metering, you will allow us access to complete the installation without unreasonable delay. Where we are unreasonably denied access, we may ask you to pay any costs we have incurred, and we reserve the right to terminate your Agreement with us.
7. Charges
7.1. The Charges will be based on the prices and any taxes, duties or levies at the prevailing rate. The prices as well as any taxes, duties or levies that are applicable to you will be stated in your Contract. New taxes, duties or levies introduced during the term of your Agreement with us will be charged to you in addition.
7.2. The Charges will include third party and industry charges. These charges relate to the cost of delivering Energy to you and investment in future generation.
7.3. Third party and industry charges can be fixed or pass through. Any third party and industry charges that we pass through will be detailed in the Contract.
7.4. If your third party and industry charges are fixed, they will not change subject to clause 7.5.
7.5. We may change the Charges as a result of an introduction of third party and industry charges, the way in which such charges are calculated or if your charges change following changes to your charging band allocation. If this results in increased costs to us and are payable by us for supplying your Energy, we will pass these on to you.
7.6. If you become subject to Agreed Capacity Charges, Reactive Power Charges, Capacity Excess Charges or any other industry charges during the term of your Agreement with us, they will be charged to you in addition.
7.7. If you have a contractual relationship with a third-party provider for meter maintenance and data collection and aggregation services, we reserve the right to apply an administration fee for each meter which requires migration to your third-party provider.
8. Payment
8.1. Your payment method will be stated in the Contract.
8.2. We will, each month or at such other intervals as stated in your Contract or otherwise agreed with you, send you a Bill for the relevant period. Bills are generated within forty-eight (48) hours after a meter reading is taken or provided to us by you.
8.3. The Charges may be based on a reasonable estimate of how much Energy you have used, on information we have about the Property, and the estimated annual consumption of electricity and annual quantity of gas as stated by the Industry. You must pay the Charges shown on the Bill by the Due Date, including where the Charges are based on such an estimate.
8.4. We will send the Bill to your e-billing account or prepaid post subject to additional charges for paper Bills. For customers wishing to receive paper Bills, an administration fee of two (2) GBP will be added to each Bill.
8.5. E-billing facilities may at our discretion entitle us to send the Bill to an e-mail address maintained by you or upload it onto your e-billing account. You will maintain an email address for this purpose and notify us of any changes to your email address. If an e-billing account is used, you will keep your password secure and confidential. We may close your e-billing account at any time without notice if we have reasons to believe that the account is being accessed or used in an unauthorised manner.
8.6. We will create your direct debit mandate within ten (10) days from the Commencement Date or the date you contact us to do so. If for any reason we are unable to create your direct debit mandate, for instance if the information you have provided us is incorrect, we will treat this as a direct debit cancellation, and you may incur an administration fee.
8.7. If you pay by fixed direct debit, the first payment will be taken on or around the tenth (10th) day of the month. Ongoing Direct Debit payments will be taken on or around the same day of each month as the first payment. We reserve the right to increase or decrease the amount of fixed direct debit billed to you within a reasonable margin, depending on shifts in your usage patterns.
8.8. If you pay by variable direct debit, payment will be debited from your account within seven (7) to ten (10) days from a Bill being issued.
8.9. If you pay by BACS/CHAPS, electronic transfer or debit/credit card, cleared funds must reach us by the Due Date and payment must be correctly referenced. If we are unable to identify your payment because of your failure to correctly reference it, we may treat it as non-payment and take steps in accordance with clause 8.11.
8.10. You must make sure that there is enough money in your account to cover the Charges. If you cancel your direct debit without prior notice before we can collect any payment due, you must contact us immediately to confirm your new payment method.
8.11. If you do not pay the Charges by the Due Date, we will be entitled to take any of the following steps:
8.11.1. Charge you interest on the overdue amount at the rate prescribed by the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1988 (which is eight (8) per cent above the Bank of England base rate);
8.11.2. Charge you an administration fee in accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1988;
8.11.3. Demand payment of all unpaid Bills under your Agreement with us which will be deemed to be immediately due and payable;
8.11.4. Change the amount you pay or the payment method by which you pay. This may include charging you our Out Of Contract prices published at https://pe.solutions/ for the remainder of the Contract;
8.11.5. Charge you reasonable expenses incurred in obtaining the money owed to us your Agreement with us, including costs associated with disconnecting, reconnecting, or replacing Metering;
8.11.6. Require you to make an Advance Payment or pay the Charges for each month in advance based on our estimate of likely Energy consumption in that month);
8.11.7. Pay a performance bond, in an amount which we reasonably determine to be the approximate value of three (3) months’ supply of Energy;
8.11.8. Require you to pay us a deposit in an amount equal to our estimate of our likely exposure to you under your Agreement with us (in which case title to such amount will vest in us, but we will pay you an equal amount after the payment of the final Bill following the end of the Contract) (subject to any amounts deducted by us in settlement of Outstanding Charges under your Agreement with us); and
8.11.9. Pass information relating to you onto a credit reference agency.
8.12. If the Charges remain unpaid after the Due Date, the Guarantor irrevocably and unconditionally undertakes and guarantees to pay any Outstanding Charges. The Guarantor agrees that this guarantee will remain in full force and effect and be binding until your Agreement with us is satisfied.
8.13. If you disagree with the Charges, you should contact us immediately to submit an Actual Meter Reading and provide any attendant evidence (such as photographs) as required. You must still pay the Charges shown on the Bill by the Due Date. Failure to do, will result in us taking steps in accordance with clause 8.11. Following our investigation, any debits or credits will be reconciled in the following month’s Bill. Your obligations under this clause 8.13 still apply even if you appoint a third-party agent to provide bill processing or validation services.
8.14. If you have difficulty paying the Charges, you should contract us immediately. We will discuss your payment methods options and try to help in line with our policies and code of practice.
8.15. In the event of continued non-payment, we may refer you to our partner debt collection agency and reserve the right to charge you the cost of recovering any Outstanding Charges as well as the cost of collection.
8.16. Any refund amount due to you will be set-off against amounts owed and will be paid back through your e-billing account over the course of the term of your Agreement with us. For the avoidance of doubt, offset will settle both the amount owed to you and the amount you owe.
8.17. Where a credit arises, we will deduct the amount of credit from the total we take by direct debit. However, if we have consented to payment terms other than by direct debit or if the credit is greater than the amount owing to us, then we will credit the amount to an account operated by us for that purpose. We will pay any such amount to you on request. We will send the reconciliation notice or credit note to your address as held by us, unless we are aware that you are no longer in occupation of the Property and you have not provided a forwarding address.
8.18. If you are a Microbusiness Customer, when we send you a Bill, we can only look to recover Charges for the Energy supplied to you in the last twelve (12) months from the date on which we issue you the Bill, unless:
8.18.1. We have already sent you a Bill and are in contact with you about payment of previously billed Charges;
8.18.2. You behave in an obstructive or unreasonable way (for example you do not allow us or agents acting on our behalf to access to your Metering to read them without good reason , physically blocking more than one reasonable attempt to access your Metering, or you are behaving unlawfully by stealing Energy or, where you are responsible for your Metering and you fail to keep it in proper working order), or
8.18.3. Any other circumstances specified by Ofgem.
8.19. Unless clause 8.18 applies, we reserve the right to reconcile and recover Charges for the Energy supplied to you in the last twenty-eight (28) months from the date when we issued you the Bill.
8.20. If at any time during the term of your Agreement with us we receive credit reports which we are not satisfied with, we may ask for an Advance Payment or an increase in the Advance Payment.
8.21. If you are required to make an Advance Payment during the term of your Agreement with us, the Advanced Payment will be reconcilled as part of a Bill issued to you in the final month of your Agreement with us.
9. Renewal and Termination
9.1. If you renew your Contract with us for another Fixed Term, you will enter into another Agreement with us which will start on the day after the End Date and will end on a new End Date.
9.2. If you do not renew your Contract for another Fixed Term or your Agreement with us is not terminated by the End Date, we will move you to standard variable rates from the date after the End Date.
9.3. Your Agreement can be terminated on the End Date provided that:
9.3.1. there are no Outstanding Charges on the account; and
9.3.2. your Supply Transfer has gone ahead on a Supply Start Date which is on the date after the end of the Fixed Term; or
9.3.3. the Energy supply to the Property is disconnected at the end of the Fixed Term.
9.4. If you terminate or try to terminate your Agreement with us prior to the End Date or we terminate your Agreement with us in accordance with our rights, we may charge you a Termination Fee.
9.5. On or around sixty (60) days before the End Date, we will send you a renewal notice.
9.6. Where you will no longer be the owner or occupier of a Property, you must give us at least thirty (30) days’ prior Leaving Notice of the date the change in ownership or occupier is expected to occur. Your Agreement with us in respect of the Property will end the day after you have left the Property provided that we have received the Leaving Notice from you prior to the date you are leaving the Property. If we do not receive the Leaving Notice prior to the date you are leaving the Property, you will be liable for some or all of the Charges in respect of the Property until we enter into an Agreement for the Property with another party (which may deem to occur under law).
9.7. We may terminate your Agreement with us at any time for any or all of the Properties with Metering if:
9.7.1. We give you a notice of suspension of supply relating to the case where any legally authorised third party asks you to stop or limit the amount of Energy you use at the site such as where somebody’s property or safety is in danger;
9.7.2. You fail to pay the Charges in full within ten (10) days after us informing you of such failure;
9.7.3. You are in material breach of any of the provisions of your Agreement with us (other than failure to pay a Bill or other Charges) and such breach is not remedied to our reasonable satisfaction within two (2) days after you receive notice from us informing you of such breach;
9.7.4. We serve you with written notice because you stop trading or you are deemed in accordance with law to be unable to pay your debts, or any legal proceedings or other steps are taken in relation to your winding-up or liquidation, the appointment of a liquidator, receiver, administrator, administrative receiver or similar officer in respect of you or your assets, a composition, assignment, or arrangement with your creditors;
9.7.5. It becomes unlawful for you or us to comply with any material provision of your Agreement with us;
9.7.6. A landlord’s consent is required for us to become the Responsible Supplier for the Property (including for us to use a network that is not operated by a statutory licensee), and you have not obtained such consent on terms acceptable to us (or that consent ends);
9.7.7. We have not been able to become the Responsible Supplier for the Property within thirty (30) days from the Commencement Date;
9.7.8. You have failed to make an Advance Payment to us two (2) days before the Supply Start Date or by the date specified by us;
9.7.9. We cannot access or are prevented from accessing the Property;
9.7.10. We establish that the Property is a Shipperless Property or Unregistered Property;
9.7.11. Supplying you with Energy would put us in breach of the terms of our Supply Licence;
9.7.12. We cannot support the Metering at your site through our existing systems; or
9.7.13. Our Supply Licence is revoked, or Ofgem makes a Supplier of Last Resort Direction to another supplier;
9.7.14. Your Property becomes Green Deal Premises.
9.8. If we end your Agreement with us in respect of any or all the Properties, we will inform you of the end date (and, if your Agreement with us is not ending, of the affected Properties).
9.9. Following the ending or expiry of your Agreement with us, we will prepare a final Bill for you, setting out all Outstanding Charges that are owed to us by you. We may need a final meter reading for this.
9.10. The ending or expiry of your Agreement with us for whatever reason will be without prejudice to your and our rights and remedies which have accrued prior to the end or expiry of your Agreement with us.
9.11. Such ending or expiry will also be without prejudice to the continuing validity of any provision of your Agreement with us which expressly or by implication is intended to come into or remain in force on or after the end or expiry of your Agreement with us.
10. Termination Fee
10.1. Without prejudice to our rights to pursue any additional remedy in addition to any Charges owed by you, we reserve the right to charge you a Termination Fee if any of the circumstances in clause 10.2 arise.
10.2. The circumstances referred to in clause 10.1 are:
10.2.1. Where your Agreement with us is wrongfully terminated by you;
10.2.2. Where your Agreement with is terminated by us as a result of your material breach of your Agreement with us;
10.2.3. Where you have failed to provide us with a Leaving Notice prior to the date you are leaving the Property;
10.2.4. Without prejudice to our rights to object to a Supply Transfer, where you try to arrange a Supply Transfer to another supplier prior to the end of the Fixed Term. The Termination Fee will become due on the date we receive notice of a Supply Transfer from another supplier.
10.3. The Termination Fee is worked out as follows:
10.3.1. If following your Commencement Date, we have not yet started supplying to you:

”T” in GBP means Termination Fee;
“CH” in GBP means based on the estimated annual consumption of electricity/annual quantity of gas as stated on your Contract or held by the Industry, the amount of Charges that will be due for the supply of Energy between the Commencement Date and End Date.

10.3.2. If following your Commencement Date, we already started supplying to you:

“T” in GBP means Termination Fee;
“CH” in GBP means the amount of the Charges due to us for the supply of Energy between CD and TD;
“CD” means Commencement Date;
“ED” means End Date;
“TD” means the date when your Agreement with us is to be terminated.
11. Objection
11.1. In addition to our other rights, and subject to any restrictions imposed by law or under the Industry Codes, if we receive notice of a Supply Transfer from another supplier for a Property supplied under your Agreement with us, we reserve the right to object to the Supply Transfer if any of the circumstances in clause 11.2 apply.
11.2. Clause 11.1 will apply in any of the following circumstances:
11.2.1. You have Outstanding Charges in relation to the Property supplied with Energy (or in connection with the supply of Energy) under your Agreement with us;
11.2.2. You are in a material breach of any of the provisions of your Agreement with us and such breach is not remedied to our reasonable satisfaction.
11.3. If we object to the Supply Transfer, we will notify you within one (1) working day from making the objection to another supplier and explain the reasons for it and how you may dispute or resolve such objection.
11.4. If you believe that your Supply Transfer to another supplier has been initiated in error, let us know and we will take reasonable steps to cancel your Supply Transfer.
12. Disconnection
12.1. We will give you notice of our intention to disconnect the supply of Energy to a Property in accordance with our obligations under the law, our Supply Licence, and the relevant Industry Codes.
12.2. We will have the right to disconnect the supply of Energy to a Property, if:
12.2.1. You do not pay the Charges by the Due Date;
12.2.2. You commit a material breach of your Agreement with us;
12.2.3. In our reasonable belief the Energy intended to be supplied to you is being stolen or redirected;
12.2.4. In our reasonable belief there has been interference with the network or Metering;
12.2.5. It is necessary to do so to avoid danger or a breach of an Industry Code;
12.2.6. We are obliged to disconnect the Property under law, regulation, our Supply Licence of any Industry Code; or
12.2.7. After we terminate your Agreement with us in accordance with section 9.7, if we remain the Responsible Supplier.
12.3. Where a disconnection is to occur, a several stage process will be initiated, including a site and pre-disconnection visit during which contact with you will be ongoing and resolution is to be encouraged. A letter of intent will be provided to you before further legal action is initiated.
12.4. You agree that we and our designated agents may access a Property for the purposes of disconnecting the supply of Energy to that Property. You also agree that we may disconnect the supply remotely if the Metering allows for this.
12.5. If the Energy supply to the Property is disconnected because of something you have done or omitted to do, you will:
12.5.1. Compensate us for any loss or costs incurred through disconnecting the Energy supply;
12.5.2. Compensate us for any costs incurred in re-connecting the supply of Energy; or
12.5.3. Pay any associated costs relating to the disconnection such as fees involved in getting a warrant to enter your site to disconnect it or any costs associated with our chasing payment of any Charges owed to us under your Agreement with us.
13. Liability
13.1. We are only legally responsible to you to the extent expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions. We have no other duty or legal responsibility to you. All other legal responsibilities, guaranties, and conditions or warranties implied by law or otherwise are disapplied to the greatest extent permitted by the law.
13.2. We will not be responsible for the quality or consistency of the Energy supplied at your Property. If we cannot make sure that you are supplied with Energy for some reason that is beyond our reasonable control because of third party supply (for instance, by a supplier or distributor, shipper, re-seller, or transporter), we will not be held to account for broken arrangements or breach of contract. Thus we have no obligation in respect of the Energy supply if the supply is shut-down, interrupted, delayed, reduced or impaired because of any actions by the Network Operator. Further, we will not be liable to you for any damages or equipment installed or stored at a property belonging (either occupied or in legal possession) to third parties.
13.3. We are not legally responsible to you in any way for:
13.3.1. direct or indirect loss of business, profit, goodwill, interest, or lost opportunity or loss of contract or loss of income or loss or corruption of data or interference with business; or
13.3.2. for any other indirect, special or consequential loss or damage,
whether or not caused by the acts of omissions or negligence of our employees or agents and regardless of whether we have been informed of the possibility of the likelihood of such damages.
13.4. We will not be legally responsible to you for any loss or costs which you have suffered or incurred as a result of your legal responsibility to any other person or party.
13.5. Our liability to you is not otherwise excluded by anything in this Liability Section. Our total responsibility to you under the law is limited to one thousand (1000) GBP for any one incident and will, in no circumstance, exceed the average total charges paid to us in each year where it is in relation to all claims brought against us under this Agreement.
13.6. However, nothing in this Agreement limits or excludes our liability to you in respect of:
13.7. death or injury to persons caused by our negligence; or
13.8. our fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or
13.9. any other liability which cannot by law be limited or excluded by us.
13.10. Each of the clauses 13.1 to 13.5 can be enforced separately. If for any reason one or more of these terms are found not to be valid or to be unreasonable, we may still enforce the remainder of the clauses.
14. Other Conditions
14.1. Notice: All notices or other communications to be given by either party in relation to your Agreement with us must be: (i) in writing and addressed and sent to the recipient’s registered address as shown on the Contract and (ii) by email. All notices or other communications sent will be deemed to have been received (i) when delivered, where delivered by hand or courier; (ii) on the third day following the date of posting, where done by prepaid first class post; (iii) when sent from the recipient’s email server if sent within normal business hours, where by email, otherwise at 9:00am hours on the next normal working day.
14.2. Assignability: We may assign or transfer all or any of our rights (including the right to demand that you pay any charges owed ) and legal responsibilities under this Agreement without your permission. You shall be notified of such a change and will be deemed to have consented to such a transfer from the time of notification. We can also subcontract any of our obligations under this Agreement without your permission.
14.3. Transfer: Your rights and responsibilities under this Agreement are personal to the business and you are not entitled to transfer any part of the obligations or rights arising under your Agreement with us to any third party without our prior written permission.
14.4. Change of Law: We may stop, suspend, or restrict the supply of Energy to the Property due to a change in law, including an Act of Parliament or any regulation made pursuant to it. Whilst any such law is in force you must not use Energy, or if required, comply with any limits set on the amount of Energy you can use. You will be provided with more information if this situation arises. If any of the provisions of any industry code are amended or varied or cease to apply, you will, at our request, agree to amend the contract to accommodate any such amendment, variation or cessation in such manner as we reasonably require.
14.5. Severability: If a provision of your Agreement with us is declared invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severed and omitted from this agreement and the remaining provisions shall continue to be enforce and apply to the parties.
14.6. Force Majeure: If either party is unable to perform any of the obligations under this Agreement (other than payment obligations as per section 8), because of some unforeseeable event or circumstance beyond the performing party’s reasonable control, then the contact will remain in full effect but the performing party will have no liability for such failure to perform.
14.7. Waiver: Any delay or omission by us in asserting any right or remedy under your Agreement with us shall not be construed as a waiver of such right or remedy nor shall a partial assertion preclude an assertion of the same at a later date.
14.8. Third Party Rights: No provision of this Agreement shall be enforceable by a third party, whether under the Agreements (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.
14.9. Entire Agreement: The terms and conditions of this Agreement along with the pricing information, the Contract and its annexes or schedules, and any other documents referred to in these terms and conditions constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. You hereby acknowledge that you have not relied on any representation, statement, promise, assurance, or guarantee outside this Agreement.
14.10. Governing Law: This Agreement is interpreted and governed by English law and any disputes arising under it shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
15. Confidentiality
15.1. During the term of your Agreement with us and for a year after its termination, you and us agree to keep the commercial and financial parts of our Agreement strictly confidential. This will not prevent our sharing of information:
15.1.1. As required by law or under the rules of any recognised stock exchange or competent authority; or
15.1.2. To your appointed representative or agent.
16. Privacy and Data Protection
16.1. We respect your right to privacy. We process the personal data you provide to us or which we legally receive from another entity in connection with your Agreement with us. This includes collecting personal data about you, your employees, contactors, agents, clients, tenants or customers. We may also obtain information about you or your business from credit reference, regulatory, and fraud prevention agencies in order to assess your ability to pay for services provided to you. We process the personal data in accordance with the Privacy Notice, as amended from time to time, on our website https://pe.solutions/privacy-policy/.
17. Complaints
17.1. If you are dissatisfied with our service, you may contact us on 0333 370 9900. We aim to resolve any complaint within 5 working days. If you require further assistance, we invite you to escalate the matter in accordance with our complaints process https://pe.solutions/complaints/.
17.2. If you are a Microbusiness Customer you may contact the Citizens Advice Bureau which offers free, independent advice regarding to your rights.
17.3. If you have an active complaint after eight weeks, and you are not satisfied with the way we have handled your compliant, you can contact the Energy Ombudsman on https://www.ombudsman-services.org/sectors/energy.

Pozitive Energy Domestic Terms and Conditions (Last updated 18 July 2022 )

1 Definitions

Contract Start Date means the date we process your telephone or online application.

Cooling Off Period means a fourteen-day (14) period during which a contract can be cancelled at no cost

Deemed Contract means a contract deemed to have been made under the Gas Act 1986 or the Electricity Act 1989

Economy 7 Meter means an electricity meter where the peak and off-peak consumptions levels are recorded separately

Network Operator means, in respect of each Premises, the owner or operator of the Network.

Premises means a premises at which supply of gas or electricity is taken wholly or mainly for a domestic purpose

Related Meter means an electricity meter that is related to one or more electricity meters

Security Deposit means a deposit of money that is used as security for the payment of charges

Smart Meter means a meter that we can communicate with without coming to the Premises

Staggered Tariff means a tariff where the prices will vary by a specific amount on a specific date which is not at our discretion

Standing Charge means an amount that is charged daily

Supply Start Date means the date when we start supplying to a Premises

Tracker Tariff means a tariff where the prices will fluctuate automatically linked to stock exchange, index or financial market rate

Unit Rate means an amount that is charges in respect of each unit of gas or electricity consumed

Welcome Pack means a statement of key terms of the Contract, including (but not limited to) tariff, prices, contract term, termination rights

2 Supply Contract

2.1 These terms and conditions together with any documents referred to, including the Welcome Pack, create a legally binding contract (“the Contract”) between you (our customer) and us (Pozitive Energy Ltd).

2.2 By entering into the Contract, you agree to keep to these terms and conditions. Please read them carefully so you understand your responsibilities.

2.3 Subject to clause 2.4, the Contract will be accepted by us if you have provided us with the information we require to register you as a customer.

2.4 You agree that we may carry out a credit check at our discretion and that as a condition of the Contract we may request a Security Deposit.

2.5 The Contract will start on the Contract Start Date.

2.6 We will send you the Welcome Pack on the Contract Start Date.

2.7 By entering into the Contract, you confirm that:

2.7.1 You are the owner or occupier of, or for any other reason have responsibility for, the Premises (or will be on the date you want your supply to start);

2.7.2 you use the Premises wholly or mainly for domestic purposes;

2.7.3 the Premises is connected to mains electricity and/or gas, or connected through another connection to mains electricity and/or gas. During the term of the Contract, you will remain responsible for making sure the Premises is connected to all relevant networks.

2.7.4 You are aged 18 or over, or, if the Premises are in Scotland, you are aged 16 or over.

2.8 If you stop using the Premises wholly or mainly for domestic purposes, you must let us know.

2.9 The Contract is based on the information provided by you, which you confirm is accurate. If this changes significantly you must let us know.

2.10 The standards we must meet in supplying gas and/or electricity to you, and the compensation arrangements that apply if we fail to meet these, are set out in the Standards of Performance Statement.

3 Deemed Contract

3.1 These terms and conditions apply where we supply to the Premises but you do not have a supply contract with us.

3.2 You agree that although you do not have a supply contract with us because you are receiving the supply at the Premises you will pay us the charges in accordance with our Deemed Tariff. You will be liable to pay the charges for all gas and/or electricity supplied by us to the Premises until the date on which this Contract ends and your obligation to pay the charges will continue after this Contract has ended.

3.3 In the event of a change of tenancy you must tell us the date you began to take supply at the property and the electricity and/or gas meter reading(s) at that time. If this information is not made available, we reserve the right to consider that:

3.3.1 The start date of supply to you is the day after the termination date for the outgoing customer.

3.3.2 The opening meter reading(s) for you is the same as the final meter reading(s) for the outgoing customer.

3.4 The Contract will end on the date that you stop owning or occupying the Premises if you have notified us at least two (2) working days before the date on which you stop owning or occupying the Premises. If you have stopped owning or occupying the Premises without telling us, the Contract will end on the earlier of:

3.4.1 the end of the second working day after you have notified us that you have stopped owning or occupying the Premises; or the date on which any other person begins to own or occupy the Premises and takes a supply of electricity at those premises.

3.5 This contract will end on the date that we cease to supply gas or electricity to you, or you enter into a contract with another supplier or a supply contract with us.

3.6 Ending your contract will not affect any rights and responsibilities you or we had before the contract ended, or which are due to come into force under that contract or to continue after the date it ended.

3.7 If we start supplying to you because Ofgem told us to do so, we will honour the credit balance you had with your previous supplier.

4 Notices and account management

4.1 If when you first enter into the Contract with us you confirm your agreement to receiving your bills in paper or electronic format. We will confirm the arrangement you made in the Welcome Pack. If you agreed to receive bills in electronic format, you must provide us with a valid email address upon registration which you have ongoing access to during the term of the Contract. If you do not provide us with a valid email address or if you later choose to receive your bills in paper format, we will apply a paper bill charge. It is your responsibility to ensure that your email address remains valid throughout the term of the Contract. If we are unable to communicate with you using the email address you have provided, we reserve the right to apply a paper bill charge for each paper bill issued.

4.2 A further discount is available if you agree to only use our online resources to carry out certain account functions. We will confirm the arrangement you made in the Welcome Pack.

5 Cooling off

5.1 If you change your mind about entering into the Contract with us, you can cancel the Contract during the Cooling Off Period. We will tell you when your Cooling Off Period ends in the Welcome Pack.

5.2 To cancel:

5.2.1 contact us and tell us you have changed your mind;

5.3 This section 5 does not affect your rights to terminate the Contract under section 14.

5.4 If you cancelled your Contract within the Cooling Off period but your switch to another supplier has not gone ahead, we will charge your contract prices for fifteen (15) working days from sending you the notice in 5.2. After the fifteen (15) working day period expires, your Contract will terminate, and we will supply to you under a Deemed Contract.

5.5 If you cancel your contract with your new supplier with the Cooling Off Period and let us know you wish to return to us, we will supply you on basis of the contract terms that would have been in place if you stayed with us for sixteen (16) working days from the new Supply Start Date.

6 Supply

6.1 Our responsibility to supply the Premises (and your responsibility to pay for the supply) begins on the Supply Start Date. From this date and for as long as we are the registered supplier, all gas and/or electricity that passes through your meter or which is supplied to the Premises will be treated as being supplied under the Contract, even if you have a contract with any other person.

6.2 Your Supply Start Date will usually be in five (5) working days from the day when you enter into a supply contract with us, unless:
6.2.1 You have requested a later Supply Start Date;
6.2.2 You have told us you don’t want us to supply you;
6.2.3 We have difficulties taking over your supply from your current supplier. This could be because: your current supplier objects to you switching because you have not met termination conditions of your contract with them;
6.2.4 we have not received or do not have all of the information required to take over the supply, despite taking reasonable steps to obtain it;
6.2.5 you are connected to a private gas or electricity network and: a physical connection needs to be made to the distribution network for the electricity and/or gas and that connection has not yet been made; your current supplier has told you about the way your metering needs to be arranged to allow another supplier to start supplying you and your meter has not yet been changed to allow this.
6.2.6 Ofgem prevents us taking over your supply;
6.2.7 There are any other circumstances beyond our control.

6.3 Where you enter into a contract with us after 5pm on a working day, your Supply Start Date will be within five (5) working day from the next working day following the date on which you entered into a contract with us.

7 Security Deposit

7.1 We may at any time, ask you for a Security Deposit. If you do not provide this, we may give you notice to end the Contract in line with clause 14.

7.2 If you miss any payments while the Security Deposit is being held by us, we may, at our discretion, use this to offset debt and request a further deposit.

8 Prices

8.1 Your tariff and prices will be set out in the Welcome Pack. You can also find the detail of your tariffs, prices and charges on your bill.

8.2 We will charge you for the amount of gas or electricity supplied to you in kilowatt hours.

8.3 The prices will include a Standing Charge and a single Unit Charge (per time band). Standing Charges will apply, whether or not you have used the supply, from the earlier of either:

8.3.1 the date a Deemed Contract arises;

8.3.2 the Supply Start Date.

8.4 We can charge you any reasonable costs and expenses we have to pay in carrying out our responsibilities to you. This includes any reasonable costs connected with Network Operators’ services, recovering money you owe, and disconnecting, reconnecting or replacing any metering equipment.

8.5 We reserve the right to charge you a fair and reasonable proportion of any sales tax, duty or levy (such as VAT) imposed upon us as your supplier (except for taxes on our own income or profits) and to change our prices to reflect any changes in them.

8.6 Where you receive electricity from us through an Economy 7 Meter, the relevant times for calculating any day/night prices will be those prescribed by the Network Operator. Please note that unless you have an Economy 7 Meter, we may not be able to offer you variable Unit Charges for your day/night usage.

9 Contract changes

9.1 If the Contract has a fixed term period, we may not change the prices or other terms and conditions of the Contract prior to the end of the fixed term period unless:

9.1.1 the change is not to your disadvantage;

9.1.2 the tariff is a Tracker Tariff or a Staggered Tariff;

9.1.3 the information you have given us is incomplete or incorrect;

9.1.4 there has been a change in the VAT rate and the change is reflect the change in the VAT rate;

9.1.5 we exercise the right to move you to another payment method on the grounds of debt.

9.2 If the Contract does not have a fixed term period, we may change our prices or other terms and condition of this Contract. Any changes will apply from the date we publish them on our website. If we make a change that significantly disadvantages you (including price increases), we will tell you about the changes and the effective date(s) at least thirty (30) days before they are due to apply. If you do not agree to the changes, you may end the Contract and switch to one of our other tariffs that does not include the relevant term or switch supplier.

9.3 If you do decide to switch to one of our other tariffs, the changes will not apply as long as your new tariff starts within (but not including) twenty (20) working days from the date that the changes are due to come into effect.

9.4 If you do decide to switch supplier, the changes will not apply as long as:

9.4.1 within twenty (20) working days of (but not including) from the date that the changes are due to come into effect, we receive notice from another supplier that they will begin supplying the Premises within a reasonable time.

9.4.2 if we object to you leaving due to debt but you settle your account within thirty (30) working days of this objection, and we have received the required notice as detailed above.

9.5 When we change our prices, we will take or ask you to give us a meter reading for the day the change is due to apply. If we cannot take a meter reading and you do not give it to us, we will estimate the meter reading for you. We will apply the new prices from this meter reading onwards.

9.6 In exceptional circumstances we may agree to vary the Contract by mutual consent. Where we require your consent, we will write to you setting out the proposed change, together with an explanation of what this will mean for you and ask you to contact us. Once we have received confirmation of your agreement to the change(s), we will confirm the agreed changes in writing within five (5) working days.

10 Billing

10.1 We will send you a bill at least once a month, but we may send you a bill more frequently in line with your agreed payment method. Your bill frequency will be stated in the Welcome Pack.

10.2 If we do not have all the information we need (including the amount of gas and/or electricity you have used during any period) to work out the charges you owe we will base your bills on our reasonable estimate of your usage relying on the information we have about the Premises, your annual consumption and your historical usage. If you believe an estimate is incorrect, please contact us with your own meter reading. We will revise your bill to your meter reading provided that your meter reading is in line with previous accurate readings.

10.3 If you do not give us a meter reading on your Supply Start Date or, in the case of a Deemed Contract, on the date you become responsible for the Premises, your account may be opened on an estimated meter reading.

10.4 If your meter is not read immediately before the Supply Start Date, or we reasonably believe that the reading we have is not accurate, we may estimate the amount of gas and/or electricity supplied during the period beginning with the Supply Start Date and ending with the earlier of

10.4.1 the date the meter is first correctly read after the Supply Start Date; or

10.4.2 the date your Contract with us ends.

10.5 Meter readings taken by you or us will be used as evidence of your consumption for the purposes of us calculating your bills, unless the meter is found to be recording inaccurately or you are able to provide evidence that the meter has been read incorrectly.

10.6 We will not bill you or otherwise make a payment request for charges which we have not previously requested payment for and that could reasonably be considered to be more than twelve (12) months old.

10.7 Clause 10.6 may not apply if you have behaved obstructively or unreasonably which prevents us from accurately billing you. For example, by physically blocking more than one reasonable attempt to take a meter reading at your property or if you have stolen gas or electricity.

11 Payment

11.1 You agree to pay us for the charges billed by us in respect of the supply which are not genuinely disputed, even if the charges are based on an estimate of your gas and/or electricity use.

11.2 You may dispute an invoice at any time. If you pay by direct debit, you do not agree with our invoice and you tell us at least three (3) working days prior to when payment is due, we will not process your direct debit. If only part of the invoice is disputed you must pay the part that is not in dispute. Once your dispute is resolved you must pay any money outstanding.

11.3 You agree to pay all bills by monthly direct debit, unless we agree otherwise. If we agree that payment will not be by direct debit, you may have to pay an administration charge.

11.4 If you pay by direct debit, we need to agree the fixed amount you need to pay at first to cover your yearly gas and/or electricity costs. We will review this amount every twelve (12) months. We might carry out more frequent reviews, but this is not guaranteed. Unless we decide that it is necessary to do so, we will not alter your direct debit when you make any extra ‘one-off’ payments, but at each review we will take account of one-off payments you have made.

11.5 Whenever we review your direct debit, we will estimate the cost of the gas and/or electricity you will use up to the date of the next annual direct debit review date. This will be based on your past gas and/or electricity use, current prices, and any debt or credit on your account. If your direct debit needs to change to cover your estimated yearly gas and/or electricity cost, we’ll let you know and make the changes.

11.6 If, on the date we review your direct debit your account is in credit, we will refund the amount you are in credit once you have given us your own meter reading. If your account with us is in debt we will let you know and take the amount of the debt from your bank account. By choosing to pay by direct debit, you agree to these payment terms.

11.7 You must pay your bill by the due date on the bill (or if a due date is not given within 10 calendar days of the bill date) using the payment method we have agreed with you. If you choose to pay by direct debit and you fail to do so, we will write to you, explaining what has happened and giving you a date when you need to re-start your direct debit, and what to do if you cannot afford your direct debit amount.

11.8 Any person named on the supply account is responsible for paying our bills and we may claim any money owed to us under the Contract for one or all of the people named.

11.9 If you pay your bills by fixed direct debit, we may adjust the final amount that we debit from your bank account to include any sums owing to us at the end of the Contract.

11.10 We may use any sums that you pay us to offset other sums you may owe us such as:

11.10.1 we may allocate your payment against the oldest sum due even if you tell us that the payment related to another amount you owe us

11.10.2 if you are in credit in relation to a particular supply or Premises we may allocate this credit against a debit balance on another part of your account, or against other Premises, e.g. if your gas account is in credit we can use this credit to pay off a debit on your electricity account

11.10.3 if we receive a payment intended to pay for more than one supply or Premises we may allocate this payment to different accounts against the oldest sums you’re due to pay us.

11.11 We have the right to use or transfer any debts or credits you have on your account, for accounts you have with us to pay off any debt you owe us.

11.12 If you do not pay your bill, we may also recover from you any costs incurred recovering the sums due including:

11.12.1 the cost of visiting your home;

11.12.2 administration costs incurred by us or our agents when trying to contact you;

11.12.3 the cost of applying for a warrant of entry and carrying it out;

11.12.4 the cost of tracing you if you move home and do not provide a forwarding address;

11.12.5 any other costs reasonably incurred to recover the debt.

11.13 We have the right to charge you interest if you are late paying any debt you owe us. This will be at a yearly rate of 8% above the Bank of England bank lending rate at the relevant time. We will also be entitled to pass on to you any third party charges incurred in collecting the debt such as those of a debt collection agency.

11.14 If you are finding it difficult to pay your bills we will try and help you. We may allow you to spread the money you owe us over a period of time and at a rate agreed by us or pay using the Fuel Direct Scheme, subject to your eligibility.

11.15 When we determine your repayment rate, we will take account of how much you can afford to repay. We will give due consideration to information about your affordability provided by third parties.

11.6 Any payment plan will be conditional on you making the agreed scheduled payments and continuing to pay for the on-going supply. You will be able to pay the outstanding balance on the payment plan at any time before it ends.

11.7 We will object to you switching the supply to another supplier during any payment plan unless you pay any sums outstanding in full.

12 Disconnection

12.1 We have the right to disconnect the Premises in the following circumstances:

12.1.1 in an emergency or if we are required to do so by law;

12.1.2 where we or the Network Operator need you to stop using your gas supply as your home, or the public, may be in danger. You agree to take all reasonable steps to avoid its use immediately.

12.1.3 where it is not reasonable, in all circumstances, for us to supply you and we give you seven (7) days’ notice that we are ending the Contract and cutting the supply.

12.2 If we supply you gas and electricity, we will treat each supply as if it is dealt with under a separate contract. We will not disconnect both your gas and electricity unless one of the reasons in clause 12.1 applies to both.

13 Access and metering

13.1 Under normal circumstances we will provide any equipment necessary to provide our service(s) and appoint suitable agent(s). All equipment will remain the property of us or our agents.

13.2 You will allow safe, full, free and unrestricted access to all metering equipment and other fittings used in connection with supplying your premises to us, our agents, the Network Operators and any other person nominated by us. You must allow these parties access to the Premises:

13.2.1 to install, repair, reposition, replace or remove a meter

13.2.2 to read, test or inspect a meter

13.2.3 to disconnect, reconnect, de-energise, isolate or re-energise a supply

13.2.4 at any time in the case of an emergency

13.2.5 for any other reason permitted under our supply licences.

13.3 If obstructions prevent access, you must remove them and pay any costs involved.

13.4 You must not damage or tamper with your meter. If you do, we will charge you for the reasonable costs of repairing or replacing the meter.

13.5 If your meter is, or appears to be, running backwards, or is in any way failing to record your consumption of supply accurately (including a defective meter or where you have had a micro generation system installed at the Premises), you agree to notify us immediately and we may charge you for the reasonable costs of repairing or replacing the meter. You agree to pay for the amount we reasonably estimate has been used during the period in question.

13.6 Either of us can ask for the meter to be tested to make sure that it is recording your usage accurately:

13.6.1 if you request the test and the meter is found to be recording accurately (within permitted tolerances) you will bear the costs of the accuracy test;

13.6.2 but if, regardless of who requests the test, the meter is found to be recording inaccurately (outside the permitted tolerances) we will bear the cost of the accuracy test and will arrange for the meter to be replaced.

13.7 On delivery or installation, you are responsible for keeping any equipment safe and in good order. You must not modify it in any way. You must tell us immediately if there is any damage or fault to the metering equipment. We may recover any costs we have to pay for replacing or repairing the metering equipment (including any call-out charges), unless the damage is caused by something we have done or failed to do.

13.8 You are responsible for and will maintain all pipes, wires, cables, equipment and fittings on the Premises from the point the supply leaves your meter, and the meter has recorded it. Any gas and/or electricity losses that happen on your side of the meter are your responsibility.

13.9 We may also recover from you any costs that we incur:

13.9.1 if you ask us to reposition or exchange the meter unless you’re of state pension age, disabled or chronically ill and currently unable to use the meter

13.9.2 if you ask us to arrange an appointment for the meter to be repaired, exchanged or inspected and you fail to attend or allow us access to the Premises.

13.10If you have a Smart Meter installed at the Premises by a previous supplier, we will endeavour to use it as such, but we may have to treat it as a traditional meter until such time as we notify otherwise.

13.11 If you have agreed to have a Smart Meter installed, we will contact you to arrange a convenient time for installation. You may change this appointment with more than 48 hours’ notice without charge. If for any reason we are unable to gain access to the Premises, or you have not contacted us to change the appointment more than forty eight (48) hours before, we may recover from you our reasonable costs for the failed visit.

13.12 Once we have notified you that we are able to use the Smart Meter functions you agree that we may use it to manage your account to:

13.12.1 take meter readings which we may use to calculate your bill;

13.12.2 monitor your usage;

13.12.3 repair and update the Smart Meter;

13.12.4 offer you appropriate tariffs and other products (including via any associated in-home display device) and for any other purposes in line with the Privacy Notice;

13.12.5 disconnect your supply provided the circumstances in section 12 apply;

13.12.6 identify any faults or interference with the Smart Meter.

13.13 If for any reason your Smart Meter fails to record your usage or fails to record it accurately, or we are unable to obtain a meter reading from the Smart Meter for any reason beyond our control, then we may estimate your usage.

13.14 The home display device may show the cost of your usage but will not show the total charges due under the Contract.

14 Termination

14.1 This Contract continues until it is ended in accordance with this clause 14. After this time, if you want to receive a further supply, you will need to enter into a new contract with us. If you or we end this Contract and we continue to be your registered supplier, you may move to a Deemed Contract.

14.2 If the Contract has a fixed term period and you terminate the contract before this period has expired, you may have to pay an early exit fee.

14.2.1 If your Contract has a fixed term period and the fixed term period is ending, we will send you a statement of renewal terms between forty-nine (49) and forty-two (42) days before the fixed term period is due to end which will include information about your new prices and options to switch to one of our other tariffs or switch supplier.

14.3 You may initiate (but not complete) a switch to a new supplier prior to receiving the statement of renewal term without incurring an early exit fee. You may complete a switch to another supplier no sooner that forty-nine (49) days before the end of the fixed term without incurring an early exit fee.

14.4 If you do not switch to a one of our other tariffs or switch supplier, you will automatically be transferred to our cheapest Standard (Variable) Tariff.

14.5 If you do decide to switch supplier, we will let you stay on your current tariff:

14.5.1 If within twenty (20) working days (but not including) from the end of the fixed term period, we receive notice from another supplier that they will begin supplying the Premises within a reasonable time.

14.5.2 if we object to you leaving due to debt but you settle your account within thirty (30) working days of this objection, and we have received the required notice as detailed above.

14.6 If the Contract has a fixed term period and you do decide to switch to one of our other tariffs between no more than forty-nine (49) days before the end date and twenty (20) working days (but not including) from the end of the fixed term period, you will be subject to the terms and conditions of the existing tariff until the new tariff comes into effect.

14.7 Our Standard (Variable) Tariff will continue until we end it. If we do decide not to continue with a Standard (Variable) Tariff, we will write to you between forty-two (42) and forty-nine (49) days before the end date to tell you that we will arrange for you to be automatically transferred on the end date to the cheapest Standard (Variable) Tariff we offer. We will include the prices for that tariff when we write to you and provide a comparison of the terms and conditions. If the cheapest Standard (Variable) Tariff or the terms and conditions are unacceptable to you can switch to one of our other tariffs or switch supplier.

14.8 If you decide to switch to one of our other tariffs, we will let you stay on your original Standard (Variable) Tariff until your move to the new Standard (Variable) Tariff is completed, which in any case must be completed within twenty (20) working days (but not including) from the end date.

14.9 If you decide to switch supplier, we will let you stay on your original Standard (Variable) Tariff:

14.9.1 If within twenty (20) working days of (but not including) from the end date, we receive notice from another supplier that they will begin supplying the Premises within a reasonable time.

14.9.2 if we object to you leaving due to debt but you settle your account within thirty (30) working days of this objection, and we have received the required notice as detailed above.

14.10 Following the end of the fixed term, you may terminate this Contract at any time by giving us twenty-eight (28) days written notice provided that:

14.10.1 You have paid us all sums you owe to us;

14.10.2 on the final day of the notice period your supply is switched to an alternative supplier or is disconnected/de-energised. If your supply has not been switched to another supplier and the meter is still connected/energised you will be moved to a Deemed Contract.

14.11 We may object to you switching to another supplier where:

14.11.1 you have any sums outstanding to us;

14.11.2 your new supplier has contacted us and it is agreed the application was made by mistake or without your proper consent;

14.11.3 there is a Related Meter at the Premises and the new supplier has not applied to switch all of the Related Meters on the same Supply Start Date

14.11.4 you have asked us to.

14.12 If you are moving, or for any other reason will no longer be responsible for the Premises, you must:

14.12.1 notify us at least two (2) days beforehand in writing;

14.12.2 provide us with your new address (if applicable);

14.12.3 provide a final meter reading so we can accurately produce your final bill.

14.13 Provided that you have complied with clause 14.12 the Contract will end on the date that you move out of the Premises.

14.14 If you fail to give us the correct notice and information in clause 14.12.3, the Contract will continue and you will remain responsible under it until the earlier of either:

14.14.1 two (2) days after you tell us that you have moved;

14.14.2 when we are contacted by the person now responsible for the Premises.

14.15 We can end the Contract in any circumstances by giving you thirty (30) days’ notice. If during this period you have not switched to an alternative supplier and your meter remains connected/energised you will be moved to a Deemed Contract.

14.16 The Contract may be terminated immediately in the following circumstances:

14.16.1 you commit a serious breach of the Contract (e.g. meter tampering);

14.16.2 fail to keep to an agreed repayment plan;

14.16.3 refuse to pay a Security Deposit when requested;

14.16.4 you no longer own, rent or use the Premises;

14.16.5 refuse to enter into a repayment plan;

14.16.6 refuse to use the Fuel Direct Scheme when you are eligible;

14.16.7 you have any form of bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings brought against you;

14.16.8 we no longer hold the relevant supply licences ;

14.16.9 there is a risk of danger to you or others if we continue the supply;

14.16.10 Ofgem has told another supplier to supply you;

14.16.11 the Premises are or are to become Green Deal Premises or we reasonably expect that the Premises will or will continue to be Green Deal Premises at the time we expect to begin supplying electricity to the Premises;

14.16.12 circumstances beyond our reasonable control mean we are not able to carry out our duties under the Contract (for example, anything any other supplier, Network Operator, or other person does or fails to do);

14.16.13 could have chosen to pay by direct debit but fail to use that payment method and have not agreed another payment method with us. We have this right even if you do not have a debt on your account.

14.17 We will send you your final bill within six (6) weeks of the Contract end date. Where further information becomes available to correct an error is your final bill, we will send you a correct final bill.

14.18 Ending your contract will not affect any rights and responsibilities you or we had before the Contract ended, or which are due to come into force under that contract or to continue after the date it ended.

15 Data protection

We respect your privacy and are committed to providing you with a clear understanding of how we use your data. To find out about the ways in which we protect and use your data, please visit our Privacy Notice.

16 Liabilities

16.1 We cannot guarantee an uninterrupted supply. If we cannot supply you for some reason beyond our reasonable control you will not be able to claim that we are in breach of the Contract or a Deemed Contract.

16.2 Whether by reason of any negligence or the negligence of any of our or the Network Operator’s employees or agents, any non-fraudulent misrepresentation, any breach of the Contract or any express or implied warranty, condition or other term or breach of statutory duty or otherwise, neither we nor the Network Operator will be liable to you for:

16.2.1 any indirect or consequential loss, damage, cost, expense or claim including loss of profit, revenue or use, damage to reputation, loss of business opportunities or anticipated revenues;

16.2.2 damage that is beyond our reasonable control;

16.2.3 any loss you suffer as a result of your responsibilities to any other person (however this is caused).

16.3 Our and the Network Operator’s total liability (including interest and legal and other costs) to you relating to all claims arising under or in connection with the supply or the Deemed Contract (whether by reason of any negligence by us or the Network Operator or any of our or the Network Operator’s employees or agents, any non-fraudulent misrepresentation, any breach of contract or an express or implied warranty, condition or other term, breach of statutory duty or otherwise) will not in any event exceed £500 (five hundred pounds).

16.4 Nothing in the Contract or Deemed Contract limits or excludes our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence.

17. Other terms

17.1 If a court finds that part of the Contract or Deemed Contract is not valid, the rest of the Contract or Deemed Contract will not be affected.

17.2 If, at any time, we do not enforce any part of the Contract or Deemed Contract it will not stop us from doing so in the future.

17.3 We may assign, sub-contract or transfer all or any part of the Contract or Deemed Contract to another supplier without notice to you.

17.4 Your rights and duties under the Contract apply only to you and cannot be transferred to any other person without our written permission.

17.5 You and we do not intend that any part of the Contract or Deemed Contract should be enforceable by any person who is not a party to it and agree to exclude the provisions of the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

17.6 Your statutory rights under the law are not affected by the Contract.

17.7 The Contract is made under the laws of England and Wales for supply in England and Wales, and by the laws of Scotland for supply in Scotland.

18 Independent advice and complaints

18.1 If you have concerns, we would like to help. To contact our Customer Care Team (9am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday) call 0333 370 9900 or email customercare@pozitiveenergy.co.uk. If you are still unhappy, you can email our Complaints Team at complaints@pe.solutions. You can escalate your complaint further to our Compliance Team by emailing compliancemanagement@pe.solutions. If you’re still not satisfied, you can contact the Ombudsman Services: Energy on 0330 440 1624 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday,) or visit ombudsman-services.org/energy for a free and independent review. If the Ombudsman finds we have not acted correctly, they will make recommendations on how we can put this right. This might include:

18.1.1 an apology or explanation;

18.1.2 compensation; or

18.1.3 any other relevant action.

18.2 It is easy to get free, independent advice. You might want to get a better deal, find out how to make a complaint, get advice about the quality of your electricity or gas supply, or ask for help if you are struggling to pay your bills. Visit citizensadvice.org.uk/energy for up to date information or contact the Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 04 05 06.

TELECOMS Terms & Conditions


Last updated 27th November 2023
Please read these terms and conditions carefully so that you are fully aware and understand our mutual obligations and responsibilities. 
Pozitive Energy is a trading name of Pozitive Energy Ltd, but the Services are provided by Pozitive Telecom Ltd and the contract for these Services is between you and Pozitive Telecom Ltd.
1.1 These terms and conditions (‘Terms and Conditions’) are for business customers ordering Services for business purposes only. Any Services ordered under this Agreement are not to be used for domestic or residential purposes and you will not have the benefit of any rights that apply only to consumers under Applicable Law. These terms should be read alongside the other documents that comprise the Agreement.
1.2 The terms of the Agreement apply to all Orders you place for Services and supersede any previously issued terms and conditions of purchase or supply.
1.3 You shall ensure that your Order is complete and accurate and you shall be fully responsible and liable for all information set out on Orders you place with us.
The following definitions and rules of interpretation apply to this Agreement.
“Acceptable Use Policy” means our acceptable use policy applicable to the Services which is available at the Website updated by us from time to time.
“Agreement” means the clauses of these Terms and Conditions, the applicable Service Terms, the Contract Information, the Contract Summary, each Order and any other documents referred to in such documents.
“Applicable Law” means all a) laws, statutes and regulations, and b) all instructions, guidelines, guidance, determinations, designations or codes of conduct having force of law of any regulatory authority or agency of competent jurisdiction, which relate to the provision or use of the Services which are applicable from time to time.
“Applicable Data Protection Laws” means the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 and any other laws of the United Kingdom or of a part of the United Kingdom which relates to the protection of personal data.
“Business Day” means a day, other than a Saturday, Sunday, public or bank holiday in England.
“Business Hours” means the period from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm on any Business Day.
means all and any charges payable by you pursuant to this Agreement, or as set out in the Price List.
“Code of Practice” means our code of the same name as detailed on our Website.
“Commencement Date” means the date on which the Order becomes binding on us and you or you otherwise indicate acceptance of the Order and/or this Agreement.
“Contract Information” means the document entitled Contract Information we issue to you in accordance with Applicable Law prior to your entering into this Agreement.  
“Contract Summary” means the document entitled Contract Summary we issue to you in accordance with Applicable Law prior to your entering into this Agreement.
“Deliverables” means any documents, products and materials provided by us to you in relation to the Services.
“Early Termination Charge” means the charge payable by you in the event that a Service is terminated after the Service Commencement Date but prior to the end of any applicable Minimum Service Period and which is calculated as set out in clause 14.2 below.
“Equipment” means any equipment that we agree to supply to you as part of any Order for use in connection with the Services.
“Index Rate” means the Consumer Prices Index rate published by the Office of National Statistics in respect of December in the year prior to which any notice of increase of charges is given.
“Intellectual Property Rights or IPRs” means patents, utility models, rights to inventions, copyright and neighbouring and related rights, moral rights, trade marks and service marks, business names and domain names, rights in get-up and trade dress, goodwill and the right to sue for passing off or unfair competition, rights in designs, rights in computer software, database rights, rights to use, and protect the confidentiality of, confidential information (including know-how and trade secrets) and all other intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including all applications and rights to apply for and be granted, renewals or extensions of, and rights to claim priority from, such rights and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection which subsist or will subsist now or in the future in any part of the world.
“Losses” means all losses, liabilities (including provision for contingent liabilities), fines, damages, costs and expenses including without limitation legal fees on a solicitor/client basis and disbursements and costs of investigation, litigation, settlement, judgment, interest and penalties.
“Minimum Service Period” means the minimum contractual term applicable to a Service, starting on the Service Commencement Date (as detailed in the Order) for that Service, as set out in the Contract Information and Contract Summary.   
“Monthly Charge(s)” means the charge as detailed in the Contract Information.
“Order” means the document entitled “Order Form” we issue to you setting out the Services and Equipment we provide to you under this Agreement.
“Portal” means any web hosted portal as we may make available to you from time to time (at our sole discretion) for the purposes of providing you with information in relation to the Services and such other purposes as we may from time to time decide.
“Price List” means the prices, charges and/or tariffs in relation to any Services or Equipment set out on the Website from time to time. The Price List can be found at Terms & Conditions | Pozitive Telecom
“Representatives” means each party’s directors, officers, employees, agents or consultants of our group companies together with any professional advisors to the same.
“Service Commencement Date” means the date on which the Services are first provided or made available to you and they are capable of being used as contemplated by this Agreement, which is also set out in the Order.
“Services” means the services to be supplied to you by us as detailed or referenced in the applicable Service Terms and Order.
“Service Terms” means the specific service terms which relate to the Service and/or the Equipment which is being supplied to you and which are sent to you with the Order or otherwise referenced in the Order.
“Software” means any software provided by us to you that forms part of, or allows you to make use of, the Services and/or Equipment.
“UK GDPR” has the meaning given to it in section 3(10) (as supplemented by section 205(4)) of the Data Protection Act 2018.
“We, Us and Our” means Pozitive Telecom Limited incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 07764492 whose registered office is at Floor 10 (North West), One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AB.
“Website” means the website located at Pozitive Telecom or any URL that replaces the same from time to time and/or the Portal.
“Year” means each successive period of 12 months, the first such period commencing on the Commencement Date.
“You and Your” means the person or entity identified as the customer in the Order.
“Your Materials” means all documents, information, items and materials in any form, whether owned by you or a third party, which are provided by you to us in connection with the Services.
2.1 References to clauses are to the clauses of this Agreement. Clause and paragraph headings shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement.
2.2 A person includes a natural person or a corporate or unincorporated body (in each case whether or not having separate legal personality). A reference to a company shall include any company, corporation or other body corporate, wherever and however incorporated or established. Unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular shall include the plural and in the plural shall include the singular and a reference to one gender shall include a reference to the other genders.
2.3 This Agreement shall be binding on, and be for the benefit of, the parties to this Agreement and their respective successors and permitted assigns, and references to any party shall include that party’s successors and permitted assigns.
2.4 Unless provided otherwise in this Agreement, a reference to legislation or a legislative provision is a reference to it as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time and includes all subordinate legislation made from time to time under that legislation or legislative provision.
2.5 A reference to writing or written excludes fax but includes email. 
2.6 A reference to this Agreement or to any document referred to in this Agreement is a reference to this Agreement or such other document referred to in this Agreement, in each case as varied from time to time. 
2.7 Any words following the terms including, include, in particular, for example or any similar expression shall be construed as illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the words, description, definition, phrase or term preceding those terms.
2.8 In the case of conflict between any of the documents that comprise this Agreement, the following descending order of precedence shall apply: (i) the Contract Summary, (ii) the Contract Information, (iii) the relevant Service Terms; (iv) the Terms and Conditions; (v) the Order; (vi) any other documents referred to in such documents. 
3.1 This Agreement shall commence on the Commencement Date and shall continue, unless terminated earlier in accordance with its terms, until the expiry or termination of all of the Services provided pursuant to this Agreement, when it shall terminate automatically without notice. 
4.1 Once you have confirmed the services that you require us to provide during your order journey, we will send you a Contract Information and Contract Summary, and an Order for you to sign and submit back to us. The Order shall become binding on us and you once (i) you have signed and submitted the Order to us in accordance with the instructions we provide you and (ii) this has been received by us.  
4.2 You agree that once the Order becomes binding in accordance with clause 4.1 above, you will be bound by the terms of the Agreement, including in respect of using the Services and paying the Charges. You may not cancel a binding Order without incurring an Early Termination Charge.
5.1 We shall use reasonable endeavours to supply the Services to you from the applicable Service Commencement Date in accordance with this Agreement in all material respects and subject to technical feasibility. We shall also provide the Services using reasonable skill and care as could be expected from a competent communications provider.
5.2 We shall use reasonable endeavours to meet any performance or delivery dates specified in the relevant Service Terms but any such dates shall be estimates only. Time shall not be of the essence in relation to the performance by us of any obligation under the Agreement and any lead times for the installation, commencement and/or recommencement of any Services or the delivery of any Equipment are indicative only and not guaranteed. This clause is without prejudice to your rights and our obligations under Applicable Law.
5.3 Without prejudice to any service levels set out in the Service Terms, we do not guarantee that the Services will be continuously available or fault-free or provide any minimum levels of service and you acknowledge that faults and issues may occur from time to time. 
5.4 You acknowledge and agree that any non-mobile Services will not work in the event of a power cut and it is your responsibility to ensure you have a back up plan in place to make calls and/or access the internet in any such situation. Further details are set out in the relevant Service Terms and in our Vulnerable Policy. 
5.5 If we do not comply with any of our obligations in clauses 5.1 and 5.2, we may (acting reasonably) at our sole discretion, and as our exclusive liability and your exclusive remedy, take such steps as we deem necessary to either:
5.5.1 remedy such failure; or 
5.5.2 refund such part of the Charges as relates to the relevant part of the Services. 
5.6 We provide a range of support for vulnerable customers. For information and assistance available to users with disabilities or who are otherwise vulnerable, please see our Vulnerable Policy.
6.1 You shall:
6.1.1 co-operate with us in connection with the Services and comply promptly with our reasonable instructions and/or those of our suppliers; 
6.1.2 promptly provide us with such assistance, access to people, premises, facilities and complete and accurate information as we may require from time to time to comply with our obligations under this Agreement and to verify that you are complying with your obligations under this Agreement. This includes, without limitation, ensuring that we have up to date and correct contact information for you;
6.1.3 comply with all Applicable Laws and not cause us or any of our suppliers to breach any Applicable Laws;  
6.1.4 ensure that any services and/or equipment that you use in connection with the Services is in good working order, properly licensed, and is suitable for use with the Services and conforms with all Applicable Laws. In particular you must check with the relevant manufacturer and/or service provider that that any systems and/or equipment that you intend to use with any of our Services including CCTV, alarms and/or telemetry equipment will operate correctly when used with such Services;
6.1.5 keep any Equipment that we provide to you in good working order and promptly apply any software releases, updates, patches or fixes as we or our suppliers may require from time to time;
6.1.6 obtain and maintain in force all necessary authorisations, licences, permits and/or consents necessary or required either by Applicable Laws for using any of the Services or permitting the Services to be installed;
6.1.7 comply with the Acceptable Use Policy and other policies that may be implemented from time to time in relation to the use of the Services and/or the Equipment, you acknowledge that updates to such policies will not be notified to you and it is your responsibility to check for any updates to such policies. You must keep safe at all times all passwords and security information you use for your Service and your account with us;
6.1.8 ensure that you have adequate provision in place to meet your needs to protect against any loss of data, service or connectivity including in the event of a power cut; and 
6.1.9 only use the Services and Equipment for your own use business use and not re-sell or allow a third party to use the same. You are responsible for all use of the Services connected with your account with us.
6.2 You shall indemnify, keep indemnified and hold us harmless in respect of any and all Losses incurred or suffered by us to the extent they result directly or indirectly from any breach by you of clause 6.1.
6.3 If you use a Service in breach of clause 6.1, or we have a reasonable suspicion that you may have done so, then we may suspend the relevant Service on giving you written notice. If we suspend the Service in accordance with this clause, we shall reconnect the Service as soon as reasonably practicable once we are satisfied that the breach in question (if remediable) has been remedied by you. If the breach in question cannot be remedied, we may terminate this Agreement by giving you written notice and you may be liable for Early Termination Charges. All Charges shall remain payable during any period of suspension and we shall also be entitled to invoice you for charges associated with any such reconnection (as set out in the Price List list) and the same shall be payable by you in accordance with clause 8.
6.4 If the performance of any of our obligations under the Agreement is prevented or delayed by your act or omission or failure to perform any relevant obligation (Your Default):
6.4.1 we may suspend performance of the Services until you remedy Your Default, and we shall be relieved from the performance of any of our obligations in each case to the extent Your Default prevents or delays such performance;
6.4.2 we shall not be liable for any costs or losses sustained or incurred by you arising directly or indirectly from our failure or delay to perform any of its obligations; and
6.4.3 you shall reimburse us on written demand for any costs or losses sustained or incurred by us arising out of or in connection with Your Default.
6.5 We are not obliged to monitor the usage of the Services by you. In the event that we do carry out any such monitoring, we shall not be liable for detecting, preventing or failing to detect or prevent any unauthorised or fraudulent use of the Services.
6.6 You shall not use the Services for any illegal, fraudulent or unauthorised use and shall notify us immediately as soon as you become aware of any such use of the Services whether by you or by any third party including your employees, agents or contractors. 
6.7 We can suspend or terminate the provision of the Services upon becoming aware of any illegal, fraudulent or unauthorised use of the Services or if we have a reasonable suspicion of the same.  If we suspend any of the Services pursuant to this clause 6.7, then, subject to earlier termination in accordance with this clause, we will recommence provision of such Services as soon as reasonably practicable after you demonstrate to our reasonable satisfaction that appropriate technical, organisational, security or other measures have been put in place to prevent any further unauthorised or fraudulent use of the Services. Any such suspension shall be without prejudice to our right to terminate at any time during such period of suspension.
6.8 You shall remain liable for the payment of the Charges for the Services and for any illegal, fraudulent or unauthorised use of the Services by you, any person who uses and/or accesses any of the Services pursuant to this Agreement or otherwise as a result of your acts or omissions including for any suspension in respect of the same.   
7.1 As well as our rights to change the Charges which are set out in clause 8 below, we are entitled to make other changes to this Agreement, the Charges and/or any of the Services from time to time. Unless such change is (i) exclusively for your benefit; (ii) purely administrative with no negative effect on you; or (iii) is directly imposed by a change in Applicable Law, we will give you at least one month’s notice in writing of such change.  In such circumstances, you may terminate the Agreement by giving us notice within one month of the date of the notice given by us of any such proposed change. 
7.2 If you terminate the Agreement in accordance with clause 7.1:
7.2.1 the Agreement will terminate on the date on which the change comes into effect or, where this is not feasible due to the timing of your notice of termination, as soon as reasonably possible after that date; and 
7.2.2 no Early Termination Charges will apply; and
7.2.3 you may need to pay an outstanding balance to retain any Equipment.
8.1 Except for usage related charges which shall be invoiced in arrears, unless otherwise specified in the Order or otherwise agreed between the parties, we shall invoice you for the Charges in relation to a Service monthly in advance on the same date in each month as the date on which the Service Commencement Date for that Service falls or if that day is not a Business Day on the next Business Day.  
8.2 From 1 April every year, an annual price increase will be applied to the Charges, including the price of your monthly plan, as well as any add-ons and/or out of bundle charges which may be applicable. This annual price increase will comprise i) the Index Rate, plus (ii) 3.9%. If the Index Rate figure is negative or nil, in the relevant year, the Charges will only increase by 3.9%. In each case any increase will be rounded up to the nearest whole pence. We will only increase the prices to call non-UK destinations from the UK and for roaming calls (calls made from a mobile while the user is in another country) by any increase in the costs we are charged by our third party providers. The rate you will be charged will always be the rate shown on the Website on the day you make the call, which may increase from time to time. For example, this means that if your price to call a landline in the United States of America was 50 pence per minute yesterday and our cost of supply increases by 5 pence per minute, the new price on the website will be 55 pence per minute, which is the cost you will pay for a call today.  For any change made in accordance with this clause 8.3, clause 7.1 will not apply.
8.3 You shall pay each invoice submitted to you under this Agreement by us within ten (10) days of receipt to a bank account nominated in writing by us from time to time. Unless otherwise agreed, you shall make all payments by Direct Debit. If you cancel your Direct Debit or fail to pay by Direct Debit for any reason, we may charge (and if charged, you shall pay) an administration fee as set out in the Price List which can be found on the Website. 
8.4 Any delay by us in invoicing you for the Charges shall not prevent us from raising an invoice at a later date in respect of the same, nor shall it relieve you of your liability to pay for the same. If you (acting reasonably and in good faith) wish to dispute an invoice, or any part of an invoice issued by us, you must do so within 10 days of the date of the invoice, providing full details of the dispute to allow us to investigate it and any other information and evidence which we reasonably require to verify the disputed sum. Where an invoice is disputed in part, payment of the undisputed part must be made in accordance with this Agreement. You shall deemed to have accepted any invoice not disputed in accordance with this clause 8.5.  Within 7 days following resolution of the invoice dispute either, as the case may be, you shall pay us that part of the disputed sum which is resolved as payable by you or we shall reimburse you any part of the disputed sum already paid by you that it is resolved as not payable by you.
8.5 If you do not pay us any sum due under this Agreement on the due date, without prejudice to our other rights and remedies, we shall be entitled to:
8.5.1 charge you interest on the overdue sum from the due date until payment of the overdue sum, which shall accrue each day at the interest rate payable pursuant to the Late Payments of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998, to run from the due date of payment until receipt by us of the full amount (including any accrued interest) in cleared funds whether before or after judgment in respect of the overdue amount.
8.5.2 invoice you for the reasonable costs incurred by us of collecting any undisputed overdue amount from you.
8.5.3 pass information relating to you (including, where relevant, personal data) on to a credit reference agency.
8.6 All sums payable to us under this Agreement are (i) stated exclusive of VAT, and you shall in addition pay an amount equal to any VAT chargeable on those sums on delivery of a VAT invoice; and (ii) must be paid in full without any set-off, counterclaim, deduction or withholding (other than any deduction or withholding of tax as required by law).
8.7 We may set off any liability which you have to us against any liability which we have to you, whether present or future, liquidated or unliquidated, and whether it arises under this Agreement and/or any other contract between you and us or out of any other cause of action. 
9.1 Save as set out in this clause 9, nothing in this Agreement or any Order shall affect, grant any licence to, or transfer any IPRs of yours or ours which exist as at the Commencement Date.
9.2 You hereby grant us a non-exclusive licence to use any of your data to the extent necessary for us to fulfil our obligations pursuant to this Agreement.
9.3 Except as is permitted by, or required to be permitted by, law, you shall not copy, modify, adapt, develop, create any derivative work, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, sub-license or carry out any act otherwise restricted by copyright or other IPR in the Services, Software or Deliverables without our prior written consent  and will not distribute or disclose any Software to any third party. We hereby grant you, or shall procure the grant to you of, a non-exclusive licence to use the Software to the extent necessary for you to use the Services pursuant to this Agreement, subject to the licence terms (if any) accompanying or contained in such software or otherwise notified by us to you, and you shall comply with and act in accordance with those terms. You acknowledge and agree that where any Software is subject to the terms of a third party that your rights in relation to that Software shall be against that third party and that we shall no liability to you arising out of or in connection with that Software or its use by you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise howsoever arising.
9.4 Neither we nor you shall use the other party’s IPRs except to the extent necessary and for the sole purpose of fulfilling its obligations and exercising its rights under this Agreement.
9.5 Subject to clause 9.6, we shall indemnify you against any amounts awarded by a court or paid in settlement in relation to a claim by a third party that the use of any Service provided by us pursuant to this Agreement infringes the IPR of any third party provided that you:
9.5.1 promptly notify us of such claim
9.5.2 make no admission in relation to such claim; and
9.5.3 give us sole control of such claim including any proceedings in relation to the same;
9.5.4 allow us to modify or replace the Service to make it non-infringing.
9.6 We shall not be liable under clause 9.5 to the extent that such liability arises out of or in connection with:
9.6.1 your breach of this Agreement or the use of the Services by anyone other than you;
9.6.2 a specific design, feature or modification provided by us at your request;
9.6.3 any failure by you to implement any software releases, updates, patches or fixes as we or our suppliers may require from time to time where the infringement would have been avoided or mitigated by such changes, replacements or new releases;
9.6.4 the combination or use of the Services with any other products, services or items not supplied by us;
9.6.5 the modification of the Services by anyone other than us or on our behalf;
9.6.6 any third party components or elements of the Services.
9.7 If any claim is made or is reasonably likely to be made against you, we may at our sole option and expense procure for you the right to continue using and possessing the relevant Services or modify or replace the infringing part of the Services to avoid the infringement or alleged infringement.
10.1 For the purposes of this clause 10, the terms controller, processor, data subject, personal data, personal data breach and processing shall have the meaning given to them in the UK GDPR.
10.2 We collect and use personal data when you express an interest in one of our services, register, buy or use our services so that we can set you and your users up and provide you and them with our products and Services. 
10.3 The personal data we need may include contact details and other information about you and your users that we need in order to enter into a contract with you and to provide you and your users with the Services. 
10.4 For further details on how we use personal data, please see our Privacy Policy available on the Website Pozitive Telecom
10.5 We and you shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Applicable Data Protection Laws. 
11.1 References in this Agreement to ‘confidential information’ mean information in whatever form belonging or relating to one party which is expressly marked as confidential or where it is clear by necessary implication that it is of a confidential nature. Neither we nor you shall disclose to any person any confidential information concerning the business, assets, affairs, customers, clients or suppliers of the other except as permitted by clause 11.2.
11.2 Each party may disclose the other party’s confidential information:
11.2.1 to its employees, officers, representatives, contractors, subcontractors or advisers who need to know such information for the purposes of exercising the party’s rights or carrying out its obligations under or in connection with this agreement. Each party shall ensure that its employees, officers, representatives, contractors, subcontractors or advisers to whom it discloses the other party’s confidential information comply with this clause 11; and
11.2.2 as may be required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction or any governmental or regulatory authority.
11.3 No party shall use any other party’s confidential information for any purpose other than to exercise its rights and perform its obligations under or in connection with this agreement.
12.1 References to liability in this clause 12 include every kind of liability arising under or in connection with this Agreement including but not limited to liability in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise.
12.2 Nothing in this Agreement limits any liability which cannot legally be limited, including liability for:
12.2.1 death or personal injury caused by negligence;
12.2.2 fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; and
12.2.3 breach of the terms implied by section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 (title and quiet possession).
12.3 Nothing in this Agreement shall limit your liability to pay all undisputed Charges in accordance with the Agreement, any indemnity given by you under this Agreement or any provision set out in clauses 10 to 12 (inclusive). 
12.4 Subject to clause 12.2, our total aggregate liability arising out of or in connection with this Agreement in any Year shall not exceed the amount of any Charges paid or payable in that Year in respect of any relevant Service provided that where such liability relates to any Equipment then our liability shall be limited to the replacement cost of that Equipment. 
12.5 Subject to clause 12.2, we shall not be liable for the loss of:
12.5.1 profits (whether actual or anticipated);
12.5.2 revenue; 
12.5.3 sales or business;
12.5.4 agreements or contracts;
12.5.5 anticipated savings;
12.5.6 operation time;
12.5.7 use or corruption of software, data or information or loss of equipment or any damage to the same;
12.5.8 reputation or damage to goodwill;
in each case whether direct or indirect; or
12.5.9 any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage.
12.6 Where we choose to pay any service credits in relation to breach of a service level, such service credits shall be your sole and exclusive right and remedy for any failure by us to comply with such service levels. Any service credits paid or payable shall be taken into account when assessing the liability caps in clause 12.4.
12.7 Except as otherwise stated in this Agreement, all warranties and conditions whether express or implied by statute, common law or otherwise in relation to the provision of the Services are hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. 
12.8 We shall not be in breach of this Agreement to the extent that such breach is due to the compliance by us with any Applicable Law.
12.9 You agree and acknowledge that your rights in relation to the provision of the Services and/or any breach of this Agreement are against us and you shall not take any action or make any claim against any third party in connection with this Agreement. You shall indemnify us against all Losses arising out of any breach of this clause.
13.1 We may upon giving notice in accordance with clause 13.2 restrict or suspend the provision of any Service (whether in whole or in part) without liability (subject to clause 13.5) if:
13.1.1 necessary for operational reasons such as upgrades to any of the Services or maintenance;
13.1.2 a Service has been affected by a force majeure event; 
13.1.3 we or any of our suppliers is required to so do in order to comply with any Applicable Law or any court order, or request, order, direction, determination or consent by or of a governmental or regulatory body; 
13.1.4 you are in breach of this Agreement or we are entitled to terminate the Agreement;
13.1.5 you fail to pay any invoice in accordance with clause 8; 
13.1.6 any third party supplier restricts suspends or terminates the Service in whole or part. 
13.2 Except in the case of clause 13.1.4 (where we may restrict or suspend Services on immediate notice to you), for any other restriction or suspension under clause 13.1, we will use reasonable endeavours to give you as much notice as reasonably practicable of such suspension and will restore the Service as soon as we are reasonably able to do so provided we are satisfied (acting reasonably) that the reason for the suspension has ceased and there is no immediate prospect of it reoccurring. 
13.3 You shall continue to pay the Charges for the Services during any period of suspension other than suspension pursuant to 13.1.2.
13.4 Any exercise by us of our rights of suspension in accordance with this Agreement shall not exclude our right subsequently to terminate this Agreement (whether in whole or in respect of specific Services).
13.5 If there is any suspension under clauses 13.1.4 or 13.1.5 or (where such suspension is wholly or partly attributable to you) clause 13.1.6, you shall reimburse us for all costs and expenses incurred by us in the implementation of such suspension and/or the recommencement or the provision of the Services (as applicable).
14.1 Subject to earlier termination of this Agreement in accordance with its terms, this Agreement shall remain in effect during the Minimum Service Period(s) of all relevant Services. Upon expiry of the Minimum Service Period, the Minimum Service Period will not automatically renew but this Agreement for the relevant Service shall continue unless and until terminated by us or you on giving at least 30 days’ notice to the other, such notice to expire at the end of the Minimum Service Period or at any time after that.
14.2 You may terminate this Agreement for some or all Services upon giving to us not less than 30 days’ notice  provided that where you terminate this Agreement pursuant to this clause 14.2 during any Minimum Service Period, you must pay us the Charges incurred up to the date of termination and any outstanding or overdue charges and the Early Termination Charges in respect of the relevant Service(s). The Early Termination Charge shall be calculated as follows:
14.2.1 the sum of all outstanding Monthly Charges ordinarily payable until the end of the Minimum Service Period for the relevant Service(s), calculated at a daily rate (but excluding VAT) minus 3%, plus VAT.
14.3 Either we or you may terminate this Agreement in respect of some or all Services with immediate effect by giving written notice to the other party if:
14.3.1 the other party commits a material breach of any other term of this Agreement and (if such breach is remediable) fails to remedy that breach within a period of 30 days after being notified in writing to do so;
14.3.2 the other party takes or has taken against it (other than in relation to a solvent restructuring) any step or action towards its entering bankruptcy, administration, provisional liquidation or any composition or arrangement with its creditors, applying to court for or obtaining a moratorium under Part A1 of the Insolvency Act 1986, being wound up (whether voluntarily or by order of the court), being struck off the register of companies, having a receiver appointed to any of its assets, or its entering a procedure in any jurisdiction with a similar effect to a procedure listed in this clause 14.3.
14.3.3 the other party ceases or threatens to cease to trade.
14.4 We may terminate this Agreement in respect of some or all Services with immediate effect by giving written notice to you if:
14.4.1 you fail to pay any amount due under this Agreement on the due date for payment and remain in default not less than 7 days after being notified in writing to make such payment;   
14.4.2 you have committed fraud in relation to this Agreement, or we reasonably consider that an act, omission or default by you will result in (or has resulted in) a failure by you or us to comply with any Applicable Laws or constitutes fraud or other unlawful activity, or may place us in breach of any agreement with any third party supplier;
14.4.3 we are required to do so by any governmental or regulatory authority or to comply with any Applicable Laws;
14.4.4 you or your respective officers or employees are prosecuted for a criminal offence relating to the Services or any similar services;
14.4.5 any third party supplier terminates the provision of any of the Services (in whole or part); or
14.4.6 any consent, licence or authorisation held by you is revoked or modified such that you are no longer able to comply with your obligations under the Agreement or receive any benefit to which you are entitled.
15.1 On termination or expiry of this Agreement you shall:
15.1.1 immediately pay to us all of our outstanding unpaid invoices and interest and, in respect of the Services supplied but for which no invoice has been submitted, we may submit an invoice, which shall be payable immediately on receipt;
15.1.2 pay to us, within 7 days of the effective date of termination any Early Termination Charge for which you are liable; and
15.1.3 cease use of and (if and to the extent required by us), subject to compliance with Applicable Laws, destroy or deliver up to us (at our option) all documentation containing our confidential information and erase from any computer under your control any documents or files containing or reflecting our confidential information in a manner that makes the erased data irrecoverable.
Where the Agreement is terminated in respect of only some (and not all) Services, this clause 15.1 shall apply to the relevant extent and not in respect of any Services that are to continue.
15.2 Except where you terminate this Agreement pursuant to clauses 7.1 and/or 14.3, you will forfeit any Charges paid to us in advance in relation to any Services. 
15.3 On termination or expiry of this Agreement, the following clauses shall continue in force: clause  8, 9, 10, 11 12, 15 , 17, 18, 20 and 21 and any provision containing an indemnity together with any other provisions of the Agreement which are impliedly or expressly stated to survive termination or expiry.
15.4 Termination or expiry of this Agreement shall not affect any rights, remedies, obligations or liabilities of the parties that have accrued up to the date of termination or expiry, including the right to claim damages in respect of any breach of the Agreement which existed at or before the date of termination or expiry.
16.1 Each party shall, and shall procure that its staff, employees, agents and any other persons who perform its obligations under the Agreement (or otherwise carries out activities in relation to it) for and on behalf of it in connection with the Agreement shall in relation to its activities pursuant to this Agreement comply with all Applicable Law which relates to the anti-bribery and/or anti-corruption, including the Bribery Act 2010 and the Modern Slavery Act 2015. 
17.1 Notice: All notices or other communications to be given by either party in relation to this Agreement with us must be: (i) in writing and addressed and sent to the recipient’s registered address or  (ii) by email. All notices or other communications sent will be deemed to have been received (i) when delivered, where delivered by hand or courier; (ii) on the third day following the date of posting, where done by prepaid first class post; (iii) when sent from the recipient’s email server if sent within normal business hours, where by email, otherwise at 9:00am hours on the next Business Day.
17.2 Assignability: We may assign or transfer all or any of our rights (including the right to demand that you pay any charges owed) and legal responsibilities under this Agreement without your permission. You shall be notified of such a change and will be deemed to have consented to such a transfer from the time of notification. We can also subcontract any of our obligations under this Agreement without your permission.
17.3 Transfer: Your rights and responsibilities under this Agreement are personal to the business and you are not entitled to transfer any part of the obligations or rights arising under this Agreement with us to any third party without our prior written permission.
17.4 Variation: Subject to any express provisions in this Agreement, no variation of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by both us and you (or either party’s authorised representatives). 
17.5 Severability: If a provision of your Agreement with us is declared invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severed and omitted from this Agreement and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall continue to be in force and apply to the parties. 
17.6 Force Majeure: If either party is unable to perform any of the obligations under this Agreement (other than payment obligations as per clause 8, because of some unforeseeable event or circumstance beyond the performing party’s reasonable control, then this Agreement will remain in full effect but the performing party will have no liability for such failure to perform. The affected party shall notify the other party of the force majeure event as soon as reasonably practicable. The affected party shall use all reasonable endeavours to mitigate the effect of the force majeure event on the performance of its obligations.
17.7 Waiver: Any delay or omission by us in asserting any right or remedy under this Agreement with us shall not be construed as a waiver of such right or remedy nor shall a partial assertion preclude an assertion of the same at a later date. A waiver of any right or remedy is only effective if it is given in writing and shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent right or remedy.
17.8 Third Party Rights: Unless it expressly states otherwise, no provision of this Agreement shall be enforceable by a third party, whether under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise. 
17.9 Entire Agreement: The terms and conditions of this Agreement along with the pricing information, the Contract and its annexes or schedules, and any other documents referred to in these terms and conditions constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. You hereby acknowledge that you have not relied on any representation, statement, promise, assurance, or guarantee outside this Agreement.
18.1 If you have any issues with the Services, including coverage or speed, you should contact us. Our Customer Complaints Policy available on the Website Terms & Conditions | Pozitive Telecom sets out how you can contact us and how we’ll deal with any complaint or dispute. You may be able to refer an issue to an alternative dispute resolution service to get an independent opinion. Our Customer Complaints Policy provides further information about this.

Mobile Equipment Terms

1      In addition to the definitions set out in the General Terms and in the Mobile Service Terms, the following definitions shall apply in these Service Terms:

General Terms: Our General Terms and Conditions, a copy of which has been provided to you and/or is available on our Website.

Liability: any liability whether arising in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise.

Mobile Equipment: the mobile electronic communications equipment set out in the Order but excluding any SIM Card.

Mobile Service Terms: our Mobile Service Terms, a copy of which has been provided to you and/or is available on our Website.

2      General

2.1      Any sales literature, price lists, websites, and other documents and promotional material issued by us or a manufacturer of any Mobile Equipment in relation to any Mobile Equipment are subject to alteration without notice and do not constitute offers to sell (or a specification/description of) any Mobile Equipment which are capable of acceptance.

2.2      Any typographical, clerical or other accidental errors or omissions in any sales literature, quotation, price list, acceptance of offer, invoice or other document or information issued by us shall be subject to correction without any liability on our part.

3      Delivery

3.1      Delivery of the Mobile Equipment shall be made to your address as set out in the Order.

3.2      The Mobile Equipment may be delivered by us in advance of the quoted delivery date upon giving reasonable notice to you. Delivery shall be deemed to have taken place once the Mobile Equipment has been left at the delivery location.

3.3       Where you order an item of Mobile Equipment from us then a SIM will be provided with such Mobile Equipment and the item of Mobile Equipment will be delivered within 2 – 5 Business Days of your entering into the contract with us for the provision of the Mobile Equipment.

3.4      We may deliver Mobile Equipment in instalments. Where the mobile Equipment is to be delivered in instalments, each delivery shall constitute a separate contract and failure by us to deliver any one or more of the instalments in accordance with this Agreement or any claim by you in respect of any one or more instalments shall not entitle you to terminate the Agreement as a whole.

3.5      If you do not take delivery of the Mobile Equipment or fail to give us adequate delivery instructions or access to your premises at the time stated for delivery (otherwise than by reason of any cause beyond your reasonable control or due to our default) that are required to enable the Mobile Equipment to be delivered then we may:

3.5.1      store the Mobile Equipment until actual delivery and charge you for the reasonable costs (including insurance) of storage and re-delivery; or

3.5.2      terminate the Agreement in respect of the Mobile Equipment and any associated Mobile Services.

3.6     We may decline to deliver Mobile Equipment if we believe, acting reasonably, that it would be unsafe, unlawful or unreasonably difficult to deliver the Mobile Equipment; and/or the premises at which the Mobile Equipment are to be delivered (or the access to them) is unsuitable for the relevant delivery vehicle. In such circumstances the provisions of clause 3.5 shall apply.

3.7      If we fail to deliver the Mobile Equipment or any of it within the delivery timescale specified in the Order, other than for reasons outside your reasonable control or due to our default then without prejudice to your rights under Applicable Law, we shall have no liability in respect of such late delivery, provided that if you give written notice to us of the failed delivery within 7 days after such delivery date, and we fail to deliver the Mobile Equipment within 30 days after receiving such notice you may terminate the Agreement and we and you shall have no liability in respect of that Agreement.

4      Risk and Title

4.1       Risk in the Mobile Equipment shall pass to you at the time of delivery to you or, if you fail to take delivery of the Mobile Equipment in accordance with the Agreement, the time when us has attempted delivery of the Mobile Equipment.

4.2      Title in the Mobile Equipment shall pass to you upon delivery to you of the Mobile Equipment.

5      Warranties

5.1      You must inspect the Mobile Equipment at the time of delivery or collection (as the case may be). Any claim for non-delivery (including, short shipment, transit damage, or dead on arrival) of any Mobile Equipment shall be notified in writing by you to us within 24 hours of the date of the delivery. We shall have no Liability for any damage or shortages that would be apparent on reasonable careful inspection if the provisions of this clause 5 are not complied with and, if a written notice is not delivered to us within 24 hours of delivery detailing the alleged damage or shortage.

5.2      Subject to the other provisions of this clause 5 and clause 13 of the General Terms, where any valid claim in respect of any of the Mobile Equipment which is based on any shortfall in the amount of Mobile Equipment delivered or on any defect in the Mobile Equipment is notified to us in accordance with this clause 5, we shall, at our sole discretion, replace the Mobile Equipment (or the part in question) free of charge within a reasonable period replace the Mobile Equipment but this shall be your sole remedy, and we shall have no further Liability to you, in relation to the same.

5.3      Where there is any defect or shortage in any Mobile Equipment, we shall have no Liability in respect of this:

5.3.1     unless an opportunity to inspect the Mobile Equipment is provided to us or our supplier before any use is made of the Mobile Equipment;

5.3.2     if any alteration or modification is made to the Mobile Equipment by you.

5.4      Without prejudice to clause 5.1, we shall have no Liability in relation to any defect in the quality or condition of any Mobile Equipment unless you give us written notice of the same to us within 14 days from the date of delivery or deemed delivery (or as otherwise specified in our returns policy from time to time) and provided that you:

5.4.1      inform us providing full details of the fault or defect within 5 days of discovering the same; and

5.4.2      comply with the provisions of this clause 5 (and where applicable clause 6), and in so doing give us (and, if relevant, the manufacturer of the Mobile Equipment in question) a reasonable period of time to inspect and examine the Mobile Equipment to determine if they are faulty or defective in any way.

5.5      If a defect in any Mobile Equipment becomes apparent after the date that is 14 days after the date of delivery of the Mobile Equipment to you or you notify us of any defect after this date, then you must rely on the terms of any manufacturer’s warranty that applies to the Mobile Equipment and deal directly with the original equipment manufacturer of the Mobile Equipment, and we shall have no Liability in respect of any such defect.

5.6      If delivery is not refused, and you do not notify us of any claim in accordance with clauses 5.1 and/or 5.4 (as the case may be), you shall not be entitled to reject the Mobile Equipment and we shall have no Liability for such defects or failure.

5.7     We shall be under no liability in respect of:

5.7.1      any defect arising from fair wear and tear;

5.7.2      any wilful damage caused by you or any third party (or their respective agents, sub-contractors or employees);

5.7.3      your negligence and/or failure to follow our or manufacturer’s instructions (whether given orally or in writing);

5.7.4      your misuse or alteration of the Mobile Equipment without our prior written approval;

5.7.5      any other act or omission by you or your respective employees or agents; or

5.7.6      any Mobile Equipment returned by you to us which is alleged to have been faulty and/or defective in any way (“Alleged Faulty Good(s)”) but following testing and/or inspection by us or the relevant manufacturer (or their authorised agents, employees or contractors), are determined by such person(s), in their absolute discretion, not to be faulty or defective in any way (a “No Fault Found Return”).

5.8      You shall be entitled to the benefit of any warranty or guarantee as is given by the manufacturer to us, subject to the limitations on the warranties specified in this clause 5.

6 Returns

6.1      All returns of Mobile Equipment shall be subject to our returns policy or that of the relevant manufacturer or supplier.

6.2      You shall not be entitled to return any Mobile Equipment to us without our prior written consent. Such consent may be conditional on the payment of a handling charge (unless the Mobile Equipment was defective when delivered) and the Mobile Equipment being as fit for sale on its return as it was on delivery.

6.3      We may as a gesture of goodwill, replace an Alleged Faulty Good prior to determination as to whether or not such Alleged Faulty Good is faulty or defective in any way. If we have replaced an Alleged Faulty Good and such Alleged Faulty Good is determined to have been a No Fault Found Return, you irrevocably and unconditionally undertake to pay to us on demand the value of any replacement goods supplied pursuant to this clause 6.3.

6.4     We may recall any of the Mobile Equipment if there is a defect in the Mobile Equipment and in such circumstances you shall co-operate fully with us with respect to the recall and to ensure that the impact on the brands and reputation of the Mobile Equipment and us and our suppliers is minimised.

Acceptable Use

Our full Terms and Conditions can be here: Terms & Conditions | Pozitive Telecom

1.1.This Acceptable Use Policy (“Policy”), forms part of your Agreement with Pozitive Telecom, as defined in clause 2 of the Terms and Conditions. The Policy covers the usage obligations for you and your Users in respect of the Pozitive Telecom Services and all equipment provided by Pozitive Telecom to you in connection with the Pozitive Telecom Services.
1.2.The Policy also has a section covering the behaviour that Pozitive Telecom expects of you and your Users, whether interacting with Pozitive Telecom employees and agents (in person or over the phone).
1.3.You must notify Pozitive Telecom as soon as reasonably practicable of any breach of this Policy and must cooperate with Pozitive Telecom promptly and follow its reasonable instructions in order to stop or remedy such breach.
1.4.Capitalised terms (that aren’t proper nouns) used within this Policy shall be as defined in the Terms and Conditions.
1.5.Pozitive Telecom shall at all times act reasonably and in good faith in connection with the application and enforcement of this Policy.
2Updates to the Policy
2.1.Pozitive Telecom may update or amend this Policy at any time, and any such policy will be available on the Pozitive Telecom website Terms & Conditions | Pozitive Telecom . Your continued use of the Pozitive Telecom Services after any change to the Policy constitutes acknowledgement and acceptance of the updated Policy.
3Prohibited Activities using Pozitive Telecom Telecom’s Services

You must, and shall procure that your Users must, only use the Pozitive Telecom Services:

  • as set out in this Policy and the Terms and Conditions;
  • for legitimate and reasonable business purposes, and such use should not exceed that reasonably expected of a reasonable person using them for these purposes. As an example, without limitation, Pozitive Telecom consider that if you/your Users regularly use multiple devices with one SIM or multiple SIMs with one device, that this is unlikely to be legitimate use as intended under the Terms and Conditions; and
  • for your and your Users’ own direct use. This means you and your Users must not resell or commercially exploit any of Pozitive Telecom Services or Pozitive Telecom’s content.
3.2.You shall be responsible for your Users’ authorised or unauthorised use of the Services and shall be responsible for using appropriately strong passwords and keeping them secure and for any use made of those passwords.

You and/or your Users must not directly or indirectly use Pozitive Telecom Services, the SIM or Pozitive Telecom phone number, or allow anyone else to use Pozitive Telecom Services, the SIM or Pozitive Telecom phone number for unlawful or improper uses, including without limitation:

  • for fraudulent, criminal or other unlawful activity which includes (without limitation) making nuisance calls, unlawful file-sharing or downloads, or viewing unlawful content;
  • in any way which breaches another person’s rights including copyright or other intellectual property rights;
  • generating content or otherwise using the Service that in any way may be, or may be perceived as harmful to others, or Pozitive Telecom’s Services or reputation, is offensive, threatening, abusive, indecent, defamatory, obscene or an annoyance, or is otherwise contrary to Applicable Law;
  • to copy, store, modify, publish or distribute Pozitive Telecom Services, equipment or their content, except where Pozitive Telecom gives you permission. This includes, without limitation, any attempt by you or a User to interrogate a SIM Card or reverse engineer the code on a SIM Card;
  • to download, send or upload content of an excessive size, quantity or frequency or to make an unusually high volume of calls, (judged in each case in relation to your typical use of such services), such that your use is having, for example, a material adverse impact on Pozitive Telecom’s network, systems and/or other customers. Pozitive Telecom will contact you if you or a User’s use is deemed excessive and discuss steps to remedy the issue (discussed further in section 6 below);
  • usage that is contrary to good faith commercial practice;
  • threatening the integrity or security of any device, network or system including the transmission of viruses, harmful components or malware;
  • to send or publish bulk messages (including but not limited to marketing messages, notifications or automated content), make bulk phone calls or to generate artificially inflated traffic or act in any way which breaches any security or other safeguards or in any other way which harms or interferes with the Pozitive Telecom network, the networks or systems of others or Pozitive Telecom Services; or
  • to use or provide to others any unauthorised directory or details about Pozitive Telecom customers each a “Prohibited Activity.”

You and/or your Users must:

  • When using the Services, not show or send content from any age-restricted services to anyone under 18; and
  • ensure that access to any age-restricted services is deactivated if anyone under 18 uses the equipment through which Services are accessed.
4Responsible Use of Services
4.1.You must, and shall procure that your Users must, only use the Services as set out within this Policy, and clause 6 of the applicable Terms and Conditions. If you or a User is in breach of this Policy and/or clause 6 of the Terms and Conditions, Pozitive Telecom shall have the right to:
4.2.take appropriate action, including suspension and/or termination of the Pozitive Telecom Services wholly or partially, in accordance with this Policy and/or the relevant Terms; or
4.3.take recourse as set out in clause 6 of this Policy and/or the Terms and Conditions.
5Abusive or Harassing Behaviour by you or your Users

You acknowledge and agree that Pozitive Telecom has a zero-tolerance approach towards bullying and harassment in any form. As part of this, Pozitive Telecom believes that everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect and Pozitive Telecom does not condone any types of unacceptable behaviour or abuse including harassment, intimidation or bullying of Pozitive Telecom’s customers or employees. If Pozitive Telecom determines in Pozitive Telecom’s sole opinion (acting reasonably) that you or your Users have acted in a manner that is inconsistent with reasonable customer behaviour and in breach of this Section, Pozitive Telecom reserves the right to respond in the following ways:

  • If you or your Users abuse or harass Pozitive Telecom’s contact centre advisors, Pozitive Telecom follow a “One Strike” policy to cease the conduct immediately or the interaction will be terminated. If the abuse or harassment continues, the advisors will end the call and make a record of the incident on your account.
  • Depending on the severity and frequency of the abuse, Pozitive Telecom may decide to suspend or disconnect your account and/or the Pozitive Telecom Service(s) wholly or partially, as well as take additional measures to prevent contact with Pozitive Telecom’s advisors in the future, for example by blocking your IP address(es) and/or number(s).
  • Any threatening conduct will be reported to the police immediately, and a record will be placed on your account.
5.2.If your and/or your User’s conduct results in disconnection of your account and/or the Pozitive Telecom Service(s) wholly or partially, an Administration Fee as set out in our Price List Terms & Conditions | Pozitive Telecom may be payable in addition to all outstanding sums payable under Agreement falling immediately due. Please see clauses 6.3, 6.4, 6.7, 13 and 14 of the Terms and Conditions for further details as to when we may suspend or terminate your account and/or the Pozitive Telecom Services as a result of your conduct.
6Monitoring and Breaches of the Policy
6.1.Pozitive Telecom may, in its sole discretion (acting reasonably), run manual or automatic systems and monitoring of the volume and type of use of the Pozitive Telecom Services by you or your Users in order to ensure that such use is compliant with the relevant terms of this Policy and the Terms and Conditions at all times. Pozitive Telecom may also carry out such monitoring activity where required or permitted by Applicable Law.

If Pozitive Telecom believes that you or your Users have breached this Policy or clause 6 of the Terms and Conditions, or you have engaged in a Prohibited Activity, the actions Pozitive Telecom may take may include but are not restricted to:

  • investigating the possible breach;
  • notifying you of the breach;
  • contacting you to gather further information, request you or your Users moderate your usage, or to discuss Pozitive Telecom’s concerns;
  • issuing a formal warning to you;
  • blocking electronic communications which Pozitive Telecom reasonably believes have breached this Policy or the Terms and Conditions;
  • restriction of your or your User’s access to all or any part of the Pozitive Telecom Services with immediate effect;
  • introduce traffic management measures;
  • whole or partial suspension of your account and access to the Pozitive Telecom Services with immediate effect; and/or
  • whole or partial termination of your account(s) and access to the Pozitive Telecom Services with or without notice;
6.3.Additional action may apply if Pozitive Telecom believes that you or your Users have engaged in conduct that could be viewed as abusive or harassing towards Pozitive Telecom’s employees, contractors or agents. These are detailed above in clause 5.
6.4.Pozitive Telecom reserves the right to charge you any costs and expenses (properly and reasonably incurred), whether direct or indirect, associated with preventing or responding to your breach of this Policy and/or responding to associated third party complaints.
6.5.Nothing in this Section limits Pozitive Telecom’s rights and remedies (available at law or in equity) in any way with respect to a breach of this Policy, a Prohibited Activity or the Terms and Conditions.
7Data Protection
7.1.Pozitive Telecom reserves the right to use your account information and Users’ Personal Data (as defined in the Terms and Conditions) in connection with any investigation carried out by Pozitive Telecom in accordance with this Policy, the Terms and Conditions Terms & Conditions | Pozitive Telecom and Pozitive Telecom’s Privacy Policy, available at Terms & Conditions | Pozitive Telecom . For example, Pozitive Telecom may disclose relevant data and account information to any third-parties that Pozitive Telecom considers have a legitimate interest in any such investigation or its outcome, including without limitation, the police.

Mobile Service Terms

PE is a brand name, but the Services are provided by Pozitive Telecom Ltd and the contract for these Services is between you and Pozitive Telecom Ltd. 

1.1These Service Terms form part of the Agreement and apply to the provision of Mobile Services by us to you. They apply in addition (and not instead of) the other documents that comprise the Agreement. 

In addition to the definitions set out in the Terms and Conditions, the following definitions shall apply in these Service Terms:  

Fraud: any fraudulent, corrupt, illegal or other unauthorised use (whether actual or attempted) of any Mobile Services, the Mobile Network, SIM Cards, vouchers, recharge codes, product or any Mobile Equipment in connection with the Mobile Services at any time and by any person.  

Liability: any liability whether arising in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise. 

MNO: our supplier who is the provider of the mobile network through which, or in relation to which, the Mobile Services are provided.  

MNO Rights: the rights and protections afforded to the MNO under clause 3.4 of these Service Terms.  

Mobile Equipment: electronic communications equipment, (including handsets) belonging to (or used by) you which are used, when installed with a SIM Card, to access the Mobile Network and use the Mobile Services. 

Mobile Network(s): the mobile electronic communications network(s) which is provided by the MNO and used in connection with the Mobile Services. 

Mobile Services: the mobile services (including the provision of SIM Cards) provided by us referred to on the Order, the Contract Information and the Contract Summary, and as set out in more detail on the website 

Non-UK Network: any telecommunication system which is outside the UK and which is used in connection with the Services. 

Regulatory Condition(s): any regulation, condition, direction, decision, notification, guideline, code of practice or order made by any relevant regulatory body (including any enforcement action, direction or fine made or levied by any regulatory body), whether or not expressed to be legally binding, and any voluntary codes applied by any industry body or association, governing or affecting the activities of a party or of the MNO. 

SIM Card: a subscriber identity module which allows access to the Mobile Network and use of the Services when installed and used in Mobile Equipment.

2Mobile Services
2.1.1We shall provide you with the Mobile Services in accordance with these Service TermsMobile Services will be provided within the coverage area of the MNO in the UK (described in paragraph 2.1.3 below) and when roaming outside of the UK on to relevant Non-UK Networks.
2.1.2We do not provide any guarantee that the Mobile Services will be continuously available or fault-free, any minimum levels of service or that issues may not occur from time to time.  

You acknowledge that mobile speeds and coverage may be affected by a number of factors including buildings, environmental issues such as terrain and weather conditions and the number of people using the network at any time. Coverage and reception quality will also vary depending upon your Mobile Equipment. In some cases there may be no coverage in a particular area. See https://ee.co.uk/help/mobile-coverage-checker to see the coverage in your area.

2.1.4If you are taking a SIM only plan from us then to access 4G or 5G you’ll need compatible Mobile Equipment.
2.1.5If your speed is regularly slower than expected you should contact us. Our Customer Complaints Policy available at Terms & Conditions | Pozitive Telecom sets out how you can contact us and how we’ll deal with any complaint or dispute.
2.1.6Where the Mobile Services involve the use of a Non-UK Network, you acknowledge and agree that such network may be limited in terms of quality, coverage, access and availability and that we are not responsible for the performance of such network. You must comply with any applicable terms of access which relate to such Non-UK Network. You may incur additional charges when roaming — please see paragraph 2.5.2 below for more details

Phone number and SIM Cards

2.2.1You shall ensure that each SIM Card is only used in Mobile Equipment which is (i) enabled for Mobile Services and (ii) is authorised by us for connection to the Mobile Network. You acknowledge that if you attempt to use the SIM Card in any other Mobile Equipment this may result in damage to that equipment and your use of the same may be prevented or restricted and that we shall have no Liability in relation to any such use or attempted use.
2.2.2You shall ensure that each SIM Card is only used with your authorisation and you must inform us as soon as possible if you become aware that a SIM Card has been lost, stolen or damaged.
2.2.3We shall be entitled to reallocate or change any numbers which have been allocated to you where this is necessary for legal or regulatory reasons.
2.2.4Where you take a SIM only package from us which will be used on any of your existing Mobile Equipment, you are responsible for unlocking such Mobile Equipment and for any costs related to the same.
2.2.5The MNO retains all rights (including ownership) in all SIM Cards provided to you in connection with the provision of the Mobile Services. You shall not grant, or attempt to grant, to any other party any right or interest which is inconsistent with the MNO’s ownership of, or of the rights in, such SIM Cards and you shall be entitled to use the SIM Cards (including any Software they contain) provided for use with the Mobile Services only.
2.2.6The code on the SIM Card remains the property of the MNO. Should you try to interrogate a SIM Card or reverse engineer the code, we and/or the MNO reserve the right to disconnect you immediately. If you attempt to interrogate a SIM Card or reverse engineer the code, this shall be deemed a material irremediable breach of the Agreement by you and we shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement immediately pursuant to clause 15.3 of the Terms and Conditions.
2.2.7We and/or the MNO and reserve the right to swap-out any SIM Cards should the integrity of any such SIM Cards be compromised.
We shall supply the technical support detailed on the Website. You shall comply with the conditions and procedures of use of that technical support as detailed on the Website or as set out in the Agreement. We reserve the right to invoice you the reasonable costs for any support we agree to provide which is not included in such technical support and/or results in significant additional costs for us.

Delivery of Services and Mobile Equipment

2.4.1Once you have placed your Order and it has been accepted by us in accordance with the Terms and Conditions, will keep you updated as to the Service Commencement Date for your Service.
2.4.2Where you order an item of Mobile Equipment from us then a SIM Card will be provided and both the SIM Card and the Mobile Equipment (or the SIM Card if you order a SIM only package) will be delivered within 2 to 5 Business Days of the Commencement Date.


2.5.1For information on usage outside your plan, please see our price plan available at https://pe.solutions/terms-conditions/ and your Contract Information and Contract Summary. You should also see our separate policy on calling non-geographic numbers at https://pe.solutions/terms-conditions/
2.5.2Details of countries where you can roam using your Mobile Service are set out at https://pe.solutions/terms-conditions/. There is a worldwide data roaming limit of £45 applied to each Mobile Service package. More information in relation to this can be found on our price list see https://pe.solutions/terms-conditions/. You can choose to opt out of this £45 limitation by buying an international roaming bolt on from us. If you do this, you will be opted out of any automatic barring (including any EU regulatory barring) and you shall pay for all roaming usage which is outside of any allowance for such usage which is provided by your Mobile Service package. When roaming abroad, you will be responsible for all Charges associated with use of your Mobile Service that are outside of your inclusive allowance or bolt-on (as the case may be).
2.5.3We will only increase the prices to call non-UK destinations from the UK and for roaming calls (calls made from a mobile while the user is in another country) by any increase in the costs we are charged by our third party providers. The rate you will be charged will always be the rate shown on the Website on the day you make the call, which may increase from time to time. For example, this means that if your price to call a landline in the United States of America was 50 pence per minute yesterday and our cost of supply increases by 5 pence per minute, the new price on the website will be 55 pence per minute, which is the cost you will pay for a call today. For any change made in accordance with this clause 8.3, clause 7.1 will not apply.
2.5.4Your monthly charges (including the monthly price plan, and any add-ons and/or out of bundle charges) will increase on 1 April every year by an amount up to the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) rate in December of the prior year plus 3.9%. If the CPI is negative in the relevant year, your monthly charges will only increase by 3.9%. In each case any increase will be rounded up to the nearest whole pence. An example of how this will work is set out below on the basis that your monthly charge is £40 and CPI in December 2023 will be 5% and in December 2024 it will be 5%.
2.5.5Tariff changes. You may increase your plan to any higher tariff at any time. After being under contract with us for a minimum of six months, you may also ask to decrease your plan to the next lowest tariff. All plan changes may be requested by calling our customer service line and speaking with an agent. Once approved, we will confirm such requests via email and any such approved plan changes will take effect from the beginning of your next billing period. 
2.5.6Spend caps. You may choose to apply a limit of between [£5, and £75] per month (Spend Cap) to the out of bundle charges that you incur in addition to the monthly tariff on each line on your customer account. You can set a Spend Cap at the point of opening your customer account with us or via our customer portal. Once you set up a Spend Cap, any chargeable usage on a line outside of your monthly allowance will count towards that line’s Spend Cap. Once that line reaches its specified Spend Cap, that line will be blocked from making any further chargeable usage. On the customer portal you may also amend or remove an existing Spend Cap. Any reduction to a spending cap will take effect on the same day unless any usage has been made that already exceeds the selected cap, then it will take effect from the beginning of the next billing period. An increase or addition of a spending cap will take effect the next working day. 

Chargeable usage that may be affected by a Spend Cap includes: 

       a. additional calls, texts and data usage when you have used up your monthly allowance; 

       b. calls and texts to premium rate numbers; 

       c. calls and texts to any international number from the UK; and 

       d. any roaming charges 

2.5.8Credit limit. As standard, we apply a credit limit of £100 (Credit Limit) for additional out of bundle charges to each line on your customer account. Once a line reaches its Credit Limit, that line will be blocked from making any further chargeable usage. We may amend or remove the Credit Limit applied to any line on your customer account at our sole discretion at any time. [While we will try to provide you with advance notice if we do decide to amend or remove any Credit Limit, this may not always be possible however we will confirm such changes by email.]
2.5.9Advance payments. You may make advance payments against each line on your customer account (each an Advance Payment). Advance Payments can be made at any time via our customer portal to supplement regular billing cycles or to offset any anticipated additional or out of bundle charges. Any Advance Payments will be reflected on your monthly bill.


2.6.1You can decide whether to retain your old mobile number or leave it with your previous supplier. Please see our support page https://pe.solutions/terms-conditions/ for details on how to switch your services so you can use your existing number with our Mobile Service. 
2.6.2If you decide to switch then this will take place on the next available Business Day from the date the request is completed or you can choose any Business Day within the following 30 days.
2.6.3You must be connected to a UK mobile network in order to switch and there may be a period of time during the switching process when you are not able to make or receive calls or text messages from that mobile number.


2.7.1In order to safeguard the security of customers we may need to change the Mobile Services and/or the terms and conditions that apply to it to upgrade the Mobile Service, for example, to fix bugs or manage security risks.
2.7.2We may also need to take other action to implement changes in Applicable Law or Regulatory Conditions and/or in response to security incidents or vulnerabilities.

Third party content, goods and services

2.8.1We are not responsible and shall have no Liability for any third party content, goods or services that you access, download, transmit, acquire or use as a result of the use of the Mobile Services.

Accessibility of Emergency Services

2.9.1Where you are using a Wi-Fi calling service to call 999 in the UK then you should be aware that a call may be interrupted or end if you have a power cut or your internet connection fails. You should ensure that you have an alternative mobile or a fixed network connection to use in those circumstances, bearing in mind any constraints on mobile reception where you are – see above.
2.9.2You should ensure that your account details are up to date including the address of the business premises where you plan to use any Wi-Fi calling service. You should be aware that you may still be asked to provide your location when making an emergency call.
2.9.3If you would rather contact the UK Emergency Services by SMS, you will be able to do so and your message will be directed to the service that you need, provided that you register your phone number by texting “Register” to 999 before trying to use the service and receive a text confirming that you have successfully registered.
3Third Party Rights
3.1The MNO may rely upon and enforce against you any MNO Rights, as detailed in this clause 3. The MNO Rights may only be enforced subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 (“1999 Act”) and all other relevant terms of this Agreement. In enforcing any of the MNO Rights, the MNO shall not be subject to any dispute resolution requirement of this Agreement. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, we and you may not rescind or vary any of the MNO Rights so as to extinguish or alter the MNO’s rights of enforcement without the MNO’s prior written consent and accordingly sections 2(1) (a) to (c) of the 1999 Act shall not apply with respect to the MNO’s rights of enforcement.
3.2Where, in reliance on section 1 of the 1999 Act, proceedings for enforcement of a term of this Agreement are brought by the MNO, you shall not have available to you, by way of defence, set-off or counter claim, those matters specified in sections 3(2) and (4) of the 1999 Act.
3.3You acknowledge and agree that, in view of the potential consequences for the MNO and us of any breach by you of the MNO Rights, damages alone would not be an adequate remedy for such breach. Accordingly, the MNO and we shall be entitled, without proof of special damages, to seek the remedies of injunction, specific performance or other equitable relief for any threatened or actual breach of such terms, in addition to any damages or other remedy to which it may be entitled.

You shall in your use of the Services:

3.4.1comply with the MNO’s acceptable use policy as notified from time to time;
3.4.2comply with all Regulatory Conditions and other authorisations, laws, licenses, conditions, directions, codes or regulations relevant to the provision or use of the Services, as amended and from time to time in force; and
3.4.3not knowingly do, and to use all reasonable endeavours to prevent the doing of, anything likely to impair, interfere with or damage or cause harm or distress to any persons, the Mobile Network, the operation of the MNO services and/or the operation of any Mobile Services.

You shall:

3.5.1not connect any equipment other than Mobile Equipment which is compliant with all Regulatory Conditions;
3.5.2not use SIM boxes for access of voice traffic to the Services or otherwise duplicating or allowing the duplication of SIM Cards or functionalities of SIM Cards or be involved in any similar activity and/or Fraud, without the explicit prior written approval of us and the MNO. Any breach of this clause shall be deemed a material irremediable breach of this Agreement by you and we shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement immediately pursuant to clause 15.3 of the Terms and Conditions.
4.1You shall support us, the MNO and our other relevant suppliers in fulfilling their legal obligations regarding the lawful interception activities in relation to your traffic associated with the Mobile Services and acknowledge that we, the MNO and our other relevant suppliers are obliged to respond to lawful requests for the disclosure of communications data and that such disclosure shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement.
5.1We shall not be responsible for any disruption to the Mobile Services, either expected or unexpected, caused by a third party, a Force Majeure Event, a climatic or electromagnetic disaster, any planned or unplanned maintenance of the Mobile Network, any operation to extend or modify the Mobile Network and/or any reason which is not attributable to us.

We, the MNO and/or our other relevant suppliers shall be permitted to (i) immediately suspend and/or deactivate your account; and (ii) to change the status of your account directly or require you to change the status of its account (including suspending and/or deactivating), immediately in the following circumstances:

5.2.1Lost or stolen SIM or Mobile Equipment: where we believe your Mobile Equipment or SIM Card has been lost or stolen;
5.2.2SIM Card abuse: where the integrity of the SIM Card is under threat;
5.2.3SIM cards or Mobile Equipment causing network issues: where any of your SIM Cards or Mobile Equipment is interfering with the Mobile Network and/or the Mobile Services. The exercise of such right will be in accordance with the MNO’s policy in respect of its own customers;
5.2.4SIM Card Gateway or SIM box abuse: when you are deemed to be using SIM Card gateways or SIM boxes;
5.2.5Data Abuse: where the MNO or the Mobile Network detects denial of service or other forms of data abuse from your Mobile Equipment;
5.2.6Network Fraud: where we or the MNO suspect you of Fraud, or Fraud arising from use of your Mobile Equipment;
5.2.7Regulatory Suspension: where the emergency services or other government authority or regulator of competent jurisdiction requires that you are suspended; and/or
5.2.8IP Address Abuse: where we or the MNO suspect IP abuse is occurring by you or through your Mobile Equipment.


water Terms & Conditions

Full Terms & Conditions can be found here.


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