Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)
Pozitive Energy have now become a voluntary SEG licensee and are excited to be able to offer customers with a qualifying export meter a way to earn money through selling their excess electricity.
What is SEG?
The government recognised the need for small scale generators to be paid for the energy they export. The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) was created to replace the Feed in Tariff which closed to new applicants in April 2019. The SEG is an obligation on larger suppliers allowing customers to get paid for the excess renewably generated electricity they send back to the grid. PE have now voluntarily joined this scheme.
What technology qualifies to be part of the SEG?
Up to 5MW
- Solar PV Panels
- Onshore Wind Turbine
- Anaerobic Digestion
- Hydro Power
Up to 50KW
- Micro Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
What technology doesn’t qualify to be part of the SEG?
- Battery stored electricity
How to apply for SEG payments from PE
Please contact:
- Be the owner of the generation units
- Have a certified installation (MSC or equivalent)
- Have a half hourly export meter
- Not receiving FIT or SEG payment from any other supplier
What to include
with your application:
- Valid MCS or equivalent certificate
- Photo of your export meter
- If VAT registered, completed self-billing form
What happens next:
We will review your application and supporting documentation necessary to locate all required information to set you up as a SEG recipient. Once confirmed, we will email you a contract and terms and conditions that you will need to read and accept for us to proceed. When everything is in place, we will advise you of your anticipated start date and request an up-to-date export meter reading to ensure your SEG tariff is applied correctly. Payments will be made bi-annually and can be offset against your energy bill if you have an import meter on supply with us.
Our Offer: 5p/kWh for all exported energy