Telecoms Sales & Marketing Policy

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As a regulated provider of mobile services Pozitive has an obligation to abide by the rules of The Communications Regulator Ofcom, specifically General Condition C8. Rule C8 was introduced to ensure mobile retailers offer services correctly, do not mis-sell mobile service nor create complaints about any sales.

How we should behave.
We must have processes and training in place to ensure our staff are aware of this rule and comply with its obligations. Any information we give you must be accurate and not misleading.

Where you speak with our sales staff, they must provide you with accurate information and they will also ask you whether you want information they give you over the phone sent to you by email as well. They must not be aggressive, dishonest, mislead or deceive you, or act inappropriately when discussing your requirements.

We will ensure that the services we sell to you are available for you to receive.

Where a sales incentive (cashback, a free gift etc) is offered during a sales call, we will send you a copy of the details of that incentive in good time after the call has finished.

Where your contract includes a mobile handset

Before we can agree the purchase with you, we must check your authority to enter into the purchase and that you want to commit to a contract. We will provide you with the Contract Information and Contract Summary before you agree to buy. This means giving you the details about the handset you’re buying, how long the contract will be, what your monthly charge will be, what’s included in your monthly charge and what will happen if you decide to cancel your contract. These documents will include our details as the provider and any sales incentive (cashback, free gift etc).

Where a sales incentive is included in your contract but is not immediately available to you, we will make it clear what it is you must do, if anything, to receive the benefits of that incentive and the name and contact details of the legal entity providing those benefits. We must keep a record of your sale for at least six months. The record will include the date of the sale, the place the sale was made or whether the sale was made online, by email or on the phone and details of any sales incentive included.

If there was a sales incentive that came with your purchase and the redemption period for the free gift is longer than six months, we must keep a record of this along with the record of your sale for the duration of the redemption period plus a further 90 days.

The record of the sale will enable us to show that you agreed to take out the contract as well as the details of the date and the type of contract you agreed to.

More Information

If you would like a copy of General Condition C8 you can download it [insert link] or we can send you a copy free of charge. Just call us [ number ] and we’ll be happy to send it to you.

We constantly monitor our sales activities and complaints to ensure we are complying with these rules and providing you with the best service possible.

At any time you can request information in a form which is more accessible for you, please see our Vulnerable Policy for details or ask the sales team for further information.

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