Understanding Your Bills
Check out our guide below, which breaks down your invoice and explains what each section means. All your bills are available to view online via the enfiniti portal.
Here is an example of a typical non-domestic electricity bill for Pozitive Energy.

1 Billing Address
This is the address you provided to send bills to.
2 Invoice Date, Invoice From, Invoice To
Invoice Date is the date when the invoice is issued. Invoice From is the billing period start date. Invoice To is the billing period end date.
3 Account Overview
Payment Method: Your agreed payment method. It will either be Direct Debit or BACS. BACS for stands for Bankers’ Automated Clearing System and it is the electronic way of transferring money from one bank to another within the UK. It covers payments by card as well as bank transfers.
Account Number: This is your account number, a point of reference when contacting us.
Invoice Number: This is the invoice number.
Due Date: This is date when the payment is due, in line with your agreed payment terms.
Total Amount Due: This is the amount due including any balance carried over from the previous billing period.
Rota Load Block: Also known as ’rota block disconnections’ ‘block letters’ or ‘alpha identifiers’. This is your unique identifier in an event of emergency power cuts. They are typically scheduled on an area-by-area basis, with businesses typically losing power for a few hours for pre-defined period. A lot of publicity surrounds such events. With reference to your Rota Load Block, you will be able to find out when your power supply will be disrupted, how long for and over what period.
MPAN: MPAN means Meter Point Administration Number. It is commonly separated into two sections: the top line and the core. The top line consists of: Profile Class, Meter Timeswich Code and Line Loss Factor. The core is a unique 13-digit reference that consists of: Distributor ID, Unique Identifier and Digit Check.
4 Balance Carried Forward
This section shows whether any balance has been carried over from the previous billing period.
5 Your Charges for this period
This section summarises your charges for this billing period, including CCL and VAT.
CCL: CCL means Climate Change Levy. The CCL is a government tax designed to encourage business customers to use energy more efficiently and support the reduction of the UK’s overall emissions.
VAT: Depending on how much electricity you use and the size of your business, you will either pay standard VAT at 20% or reduced VAT at 5%. Your invoice (page 2) displays this.
6 Total Amount Due
This is the amount due including any balance carried over from the previous billing period.
CR means that you have a credit balance, DR means that you have a debit balance.
7 Payment Advice
This section explains how to make a payment.

8 Customer Details
This section provides key information about your account:
Group Name will be populated if you told us that you are part of a group.
Account Number is your account number.
Site address is the address where we supply electricity to.
Distributor is the name of the distribution operator operating the electricity distribution network in your area e.g. UK Power Networks.
Distribution Area also known as ‘Region’ is the name of the geographical distribution area e.g. London.
Product Type is the name of the electricity product you purchased from us.
Contract Type means the type of contract that you have with us. Contract Type can be Fixed, Out of Contract or Deemed.
If your Contract Type if Fixed it means that certain component as per your contract with us e.g. like Standing Charge and Unit Rate are fixed until the Contract End Date.
If your Contract Type is Out of Contract it means that your fixed contract has ended and you have not renewed and you are on our variable Our of Contract Rate.
If your Contract Type is Deemed is means that you are supplied by us but have not explicitly agreed a contract with us. This typically happens when you move in.
Contact End Date is the date when you contract ends. If this field is N/A it means that your contract does not have an end date.
9 Meter Details
This section provides key information about your meter:
Meter Serial Number also known as MSN is a unique number to identify an electricity meter.
Meter Type means the type of meter at your premises. It can be Smart meter, Non-smart meter, AMR or Prepaid.
If your meter is a Smart meter, it means that it is capable of remote communication including and conforms to the Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specification.
If your meter is a Non-smart meter, it means that it is not capable of remote communication.
If your meter is an AMR (Automated Meter Reading), it means that it has a device attached to it that makes it capable of remote provision of consumption and diagnostics information.
If your meter is a Prepaid meter, it means that you pay as you go for your energy.
10 Meter Readings
This section displays your previous and current meter readings, your consumption during the billing period, whether each reading or consumption is actual (A) or estimated (E) and number of days in your billing period. Your meter may have one register or more. This section will display the information in relation to every register on your meter.
11 Charges
This section provides the detailed breakdown of your charges for the billing period. Your charges typically comprise of:
Standing Charge – this is a daily rate that you pay.
Unit Rate – this is the rate that you per for every kWh you consume. Depending on the number of registers on your meter, there may be more than one Unit Rate.
Discounts – we offer a range of discounts, and any applicable discounts will be itemised on your bill.
Pass-through Charges – these are the charges that are charged to us by industry and in accordance with your contract terms we pass them through to you. Any applicable pass-through charges will be itemised on your bill.
Other Charges – any bespoke charges as per the contract terms will be itemised in this section.
Climate Change Levy.
Repayment Plan
If you have agreed a repayment plan, your bill will include a repayment plan section which will provide the detail of you agreed plan including the amount outstanding, collection schedule, agreement end date, rate of collection, payment method.
Invoice Summary

12 Contact Us
If you can’t find what you need via your online account, this section details the different ways you can contact our team.
13 Emergency Contact
This section provides information on what to do if you have a power cut.
14 Enfiniti Online Account Management
Every customer is provided with access to an online portal Enfinity to manage their account. In this section you can find out how to access Enfinity and Enfinity provides.
15 Meter Reads
In this section, you can find out how to submit your latest meter readings, which will help us provide you with the most accurate invoices.
16 Smart Meter Upgrade
In this section, you can find out how to book a smart meter installation. Wave goodbye to estimated bills.
17 Energy Efficiency Advice
Find out how you can be more energy efficient, including advice, measures and financial assistance.
18 Remittance Advice
If you are paying by BACS, this section details where you send your remittance advice to.
19 Update your Details
Keeping your details up to date is important. In this section, we remind you to keep your details up to date.
20 Moving Premises
Tell us if you are moving out. This section details where to send your notification to.
21 Late Payment Charges
If you miss a payment, you are at risk of late payment charges being applied. This section details the late payment charges.
22 Understanding Your Bill
If you need more information on how we calculate your charges or what makes up your bill, in this section signposts you to where more information can be found.
23 Termination
This section explains your rights to terminate the contract early including any requirement to pay a termination fee.
24 How to Dispute a Bill
If you don’t agree with charges on your bill, in this section you can find out what to do to resolve your dispute.
25 How to Complain
Find out how to make a complaint and help us improve our service to you. You can get in touch via phone, email or post.
26 Payment Difficulties
If you are having financial difficulties, this section offers advice on available support.
27 Ofgem
This section offers more information about the rules and regulations in relation to business energy contracts.
Charges Breakdown
Here we explain how different costs make up your bill. This breakdown is based on our typical customer which is a small to medium size business.
What do these costs means and what makes them up?
Environmental – Charges to fund environmental initiatives or regulations, such as renewable energy subsidies, carbon reduction programmes, or emissions trading schemes.
Operating – Costs related to the day-to-day operations of providing electricity, including customer service, billing, metering and administrative expenses.
Tax – Government-imposed taxes such as value-added tax (VAT) are based on energy consumption and the type of business.
Third-party intermediary costs – Fees are paid to intermediaries who facilitate contracts or negotiations between energy suppliers and consumers.
Wholesale – Cost associated with purchasing electricity from the wholesale market, where energy is bought in bulk by suppliers before being distributed to consumers.
Network – Charges cover the cost of maintaining and operating the infrastructure to deliver electricity, such as power lines, pipelines, and substations.
How are these costs split across Standing Charge and Unit Rate?
Standing Charge is the charge that covers to maintain the energy supply network and metering. It is charged on a p/day basis.
Unit Rate is the charge that covers the wholesale, network and operating costs. It also includes the cost of government environmental and social schemes. It is charged per kilowatt hour of electricity used on a p/kWh basis.
For the typical consumer, these costs are split as follows across your standing charge and unit rate.
Electricity Unit Rate Breakdown

Electricity Standing Charge Breakdown

Why Has my Bill Changed/Increased?
If you are on a fixed term contract your standing charge and unit rate will typically not increase. You may be charged a different unit rate for consumption over and above your estimated annual consumption as per the terms of your contract.
During your contract term you may become subject to new network charges or government levies. Such new charges or levies will typically be passed through to you and may see new pass-through charges on your bill. These new charges or levies are typically driven by government policy.
Network charges and government levies are updated annually. If network charges or government levies are passed through to you as per your contract terms, you may see an annual rate change on your bill. These rate changes are outside of our control. They are typically driven by government policy.
Further Help and Information for Non-Domestic Customers on your Bill
If you have questions on how the charges breakdown applies to your bill, you can contact us on customercare@pe.solutions.
For further details on understanding your bills and the rules governing business energy supply contracts, please see:
Here is an example of a typical non-domestic gas bill for Pozitive Energy.

1 Billing Address
This is the address you provided to send bills to.
2 Invoice Date, Invoice From, Invoice To
Invoice Date is the date when the invoice is issued. Invoice From is the billing period start date. Invoice To is the billing period end date.
3 Account Overview
Payment Method: Your agreed payment method. It will either be Direct Debit or BACS. BACS for stands for Bankers’ Automated Clearing System and it is the electronic way of transferring money from one bank to another within the UK. It covers payments by card as well as bank transfers.
Account Number: This is your account number.
Invoice Number: This is the invoice number.
Due Date: This is date when the payment is due, in line with your agreed payment terms.
Total Amount Due: This is the amount due including any balance carried over from the previous billing period.
MPRN: MPRN means Meter Point Reference Number. It is the number that is used to identify the gas supply point. It has between 6 and 11 digits.
4 Balance Carried Forward
This section shows whether any balance has been carried over from the previous billing period.
5 Your Charges for This Period
This section summarises your charges for this billing period, including CCL and VAT.
CCL: CCL means Climate Change Levy. The CCL is a government tax designed to encourage business customers to use energy more efficiently and support the reduction of the UK’s overall emissions.
VAT: Depending on how much electricity you use and the size of your business, you will either pay standard VAT at 20% or reduced VAT at 5%. Your invoice (page 2) displays this.
6 Total Amount Due
This is the amount due including any balance carried over from the previous billing period.
CR means that you have a credit balance, DR means that you have a debit balance.
7 Payment Advice
This section explains how to make a payment.

8 Customer Details
This section provides key information about your account:
Group Name will be populated if you told us that you are part of a group.
Account Number is your account number.
Site address is the address where we supply gas to.
Distributor is the code of the operator operating the gas distribution network in your area
Distribution Area is your regional gas distribution network area e.g. Cadent Gas.
Product Type is the name of the gas product you purchased from us.
Contract Type means the type of contract that you have with us. Contract Type can be Fixed, Out of Contract or Deemed.
If your Contract Type if Fixed it means that certain component as per your contract with us e.g. like Standing Charge and Unit Rate are fixed until the Contract End Date.
If your Contract Type is Out of Contract it means that your fixed contract has ended, and you have not renewed and you are on our variable Our of Contract Rate.
If your Contract Type is Deemed is means that you are supplied by us but have not explicitly agreed a contract with us. This typically happens when you move in.
Contact End Date is the date when you contract ends. If this field is N/A it means that your contract does not have an end date.
9 Meter Details
This section provides key information about your meter:
Meter Serial Number also known as MSN is a unique number to identify an electricity meter.
Meter Type means the type of meter at your premises. It can be Smart meter, Non-smart meter, AMR or Prepaid.
If your meter is a Smart meter, it means that it is capable of remote communication including and conforms to the Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specification.
If your meter is a Non-smart meter, it means that it is not capable of remote communication.
If your meter is an AMR (Automated Meter Reading), it means that it has a device attached to it that makes it capable of remote provision of consumption and diagnostics information.
If your meter is a Prepaid meter, it means that you pay as you go for your energy.
10 Meter Readings
This section displays your previous and current meter readings, whether they actual (A) or estimated (E), your consumption during the billing period and number of days in your billing period. Please note that your gas consumption is calculated from your reads using a standard industry formula explained in more detail in section 19.
11 Charges
This section provides the detailed breakdown of your charges for the billing period. Your charges typically comprise of:
Standing Charge – this is a daily rate that you pay.
Unit Rate – this is the rate that you per for every kWh you consume.
Discounts – we offer a range of discounts, and any applicable discounts will be itemised on your bill.
Pass-through Charges – these are the charges that are charged to us by industry and in accordance with the contract we pass them through to you. Any applicable pass-through charges will be itemised on your bill.
Other Charges – any bespoke charges as per the contract will be itemised in this section.
Climate Change Levy.
This section explains the standard industry formula that applies to the calculation of your consumption in kWh from your meter reads depending on whether your meter is imperial or metric and the calculation of your Day Unit Rate Subtotal.
Repayment Plan
If you have agreed a repayment plan, your bill will include a repayment plan section which will provide the detail of you agreed plan including the amount outstanding, collection schedule, agreement end date, rate of collection, payment method.
Invoice Summary

12 Contact Us
If you can’t find what you need via your online account, this section details the different ways you can contact our team.
13 Emergency Contact
This section provides information on what to do if you have a gas leak.
14 Enfiniti Online Account Management
Every customer is provided with access to an online portal Enfinity to manage their account. In this section you can find out how to access Enfinity and Enfinity provides.
15 Meter Reads
In this section, you can find out how to submit your latest meter readings, which will help us provide you with the most accurate invoices.
16 Smart Meter Upgrade
In this section, you can find out how to book a smart meter installation. Wave goodbye to estimated bills.
17 Energy Efficiency Advice
Find out how you can be more energy efficient, including advice, measures and financial assistance.
18 Remittance Advice
If you are paying by BACS, this section details where you send your remittance advice to.
19 Update your Details
Keeping your details up to date is important. In this section, we remind you to keep your details up to date.
20 Moving Premises
Tell us if you are moving out. This section details where to send your notification to.
21 Late Payment Charges
If you miss a payment, you are at risk of late payment charges being applied. This section details the late payment charges.
22 Understanding Your Bill
If you need more information on how we calculate your charges or what makes up your bill, in this section signposts you to where more information can be found.
23 Termination
This section explains your rights to terminate the contract early including any requirement to pay a termination fee.
24 How to Dispute a Bill
If you don’t agree with charges on your bill, in this section you can find out what to do to resolve your dispute.
25 How to Complain
Find out how to make a complaint and help us improve our service to you. You can get in touch via phone, email or post.
26 Payment Difficulties
If you are having financial difficulties, this section offers advice on available support.
27 Ofgem
This section offers more information about the rules and regulations in relation to business energy contracts.
Charges Breakdown
Here we explain how different costs make up your bill. This breakdown is based on our typical customer which is a small to medium size business.
What Do These Costs Mean, And What Are They Made Up Of?
Environmental – Charges to fund environmental initiatives or regulations, such as green gas initiatives.
Operating – Costs related to the day-to-day operations of providing gas, including customer service, billing, metering and administrative expenses.
Tax – Government-imposed taxes such as value-added tax (VAT) are based on energy consumption and the type of business.
Third-party intermediary costs – Fees are paid to intermediaries who facilitate contracts or negotiations between energy suppliers and consumers.
Wholesale – Cost associated with purchasing gas from the wholesale market, where energy is bought in bulk by suppliers before being distributed to consumers.
Network – Charges cover the cost of maintaining and operating the infrastructure to deliver gas, such pipelines.
How Are These Costs Split Across Standing Charge And Unit Rate?
Standing Charge is the charge that covers to maintain the energy supply network and metering. It is charged on a p/day basis. At present it also includes the cost of government environmental schemes.
Unit Rate is the charge that covers the wholesale, network and operating costs. It is charged per kilowatt hour of electricity used on a p/kWh basis.
For the typical consumer, these costs are split as follows across your standing charge and unit rate.
Unit Rate Breakdown

Standing Charge Breakdown

Why Has My Bill Changed/Increased?
If you are on a fixed term contract your standing charge and unit rate will typically not increase. You may be charged a different unit rate for consumption over and above your estimated annual consumption as per the terms of your contract.
During your contract term you may become subject to new network charges or government levies. Such new charges or levies will typically be passed through to you and may see new pass-through charges on your bill. These new charges or levies are typically driven by government policy.
Network charges and government levies are updated annually. If network charges or government levies are passed through to you as per your contract terms, you may see an annual rate change on your bill. These rate changes are outside of our control. They are typically driven by government policy.
Further Help and Information For Non-Domestic Customers
On Your Bill
If you have questions on how the charges breakdown applies to your bill, you can contact us on customercare@pe.solutions.
For further details on understanding your bills and the rules governing business energy supply contracts, please see:
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