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Premier UK Business Electricity Provider

Send us a copy of your bill and we’ll work with you to reduce the cost. 

Our mission is to empower businesses to reduce electricity costs, enhance their commercial energy efficiency, and embrace renewable energy sources. With our comprehensive range of solutions customised to address your unique needs, we are committed to helping you achieve your sustainability goals effectively and efficiently. Here’s how we assist our clients:

We Help Regulate Commercial Energy Efficiency

The Benefits of Our Services

All-in-One Utility Usage Portal

With our single portal and tech capabilities, you have complete visibility and control over your usage, billing, and analytics.

Energy Cost Reduction

We offer tailored contracts and expert tariff negotiations to ensure you access the best market rates. With transparent pricing and flexibility, we eliminate hidden fees while helping you save.

Smart Metering

Our smart metering solutions help businesses gain valuable insights into their energy consumption patterns by accurately measuring energy usage in real time. With this data, we help you to make informed decisions on energy-saving strategies, reducing costs and optimising your operations.

Bundle Utilities & Save

The more services you have with us, the more you save. Learn more about the benefits of our gas, water, telecoms, financial services, and EV charging solutions.

Why Partner With PE?

PE offers tailored electricity management services for every industry, backed by cutting-edge technology that provides real-time insights into energy usage. If you’re managing your account on the Enfiniti platform, our IoT-enabled systems help you track consumption, identify inefficiencies, and optimise energy use for significant cost savings. With personalised support from our dedicated team, you can streamline operations and move towards a more sustainable future.





Fuel Mix


0 %

natural gas

0 %


0 %


0 %


0 %

The environmental impact of the electricity we supplied to you between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024.

CO2 emissions (gCO2/kWh)


Radioactive waste (g/kWh)

Variable &
Deemed Prices

Out of Contact & Deemed Rate may include the following pass-through charges. These charges are charged to us by industry in accordance with the prevailing rates. The rates may be subject to change from time to time, as notified to us by industry. Where they apply, we will pass them through at the same rates as we are charged by industry.

Capacity Charge 


Excess Capacity Charge 


Reactive Capacity Charge 


Transmission Fixed Charge 


Distribution Fixed Charge 


Green Gas Levy 



Billing & Payments

You can view your energy bills at any time online by logging onto enfiniti. If you prefer, you can also request to have your bills sent to you by email or post.

The most common payment options are direct debit, online payments, and card payments. You can also pay your bills by phone or by cheque.

Yes, you can set up a direct debit payment for your energy bills. Many businesses find this to be a more efficient way to automatically collect your payments on a monthly basis.

If you miss a payment, your supplier will send you a reminder. Unfortunately, if you continue to miss payments, your supplier may eventually disconnect your supply, though our 24/7 Support network is here to help with any payment issues you may have.

Our Debt Support policy can be found here.

Energy Usage & Efficiency

At PE, we care about the environment and strive to provide competitive carbon-neutral gas and renewable energy. However, there are also a number of things you can do to reduce your energy consumption, such as switching off lights when you leave a room, using energy-efficient appliances, and insulating your business premises. Our 24/7 Support team is always on hand to assist you in offering further advice and information.

Smart meters help you track your energy usage in real time and identify areas where you can save energy and money. And because they are automated, smart meters will send us your energy readings, so you no longer need to.

As part of our Smart Meter Roll Out Programme, we aim to identify and install a smart meter for all eligible customers, completely free of charge.

For businesses that don’t qualify for a smart meter but still want one, our metering team will review your account and discuss the metering options available to you to establish what is best for your business.

Guaranteed Standards of Performance – How we’re doing


We are required to provide you with services in accordance with certain performance standards. These standards are set out in the Electricity and Gas (Standards of Performance) (Suppliers) Regulations 2015 (as amended).

Below we explain the performance standards we are required to meet in relation to appointments and faulty meters, and how we perform against these standards.

Please note that in certain circumstances we will be exempted from meeting the standards. For example if you request an appointment that is not during working hours, we will be unable to accommodate it. We log such cases as exempted breaches and no compensation will be due to you.

Appointment standards

They apply to domestic and microbusiness customers.

  1. If you contact us or we contact you to book an appointment, we will offer you a 4-hour window during working hours. We will try our best to accommodate the closest possible date for the appointment.
  2. We will try our best to accommodate your request for a particular date and time for the appointment. (Please note that we are unable to accommodate requests for periods that are less than 2 hours long or not during working hours.)
  3. We will give you at least a working day’s notice if we need to rearrange your appointment, unless we have your written consent that we can rearrange it with less than a working day’s notice.
  4. We will keep to the appointment time window and date, unless it has been cancelled or rearranged by you, or rearranged by us with a working day’s prior cancellation notice.
  5. We will ensure that our representative possesses the necessary skills, experience and resources to complete the appointment.

If we fail to meet any of the standards, we will pay you £30 within 10 days of failing to achieve this. If we fail to compensate you within this timeframe, we will pay you a further £30.

Faulty credit meter standards

They apply to domestic customers.

  1. If you contact us about a credit meter which you believe is not recording your consumption correctly (or if we ourselves have evidence to suspect that it is), we complete an initial assessment to determine if your meter is faulty within 5 working days of you contacting us.
  2. If following the initial assessment, we determine that the meter is faulty, we will take appropriate action within 5 working days of you contacting us. This action may consist of us replacing the meter, or remotely fixing it.
  3. Following the initial assessment, we will offer to confirm in writing, the result of our initial assessment within 5 working days of you contacting us.

(If you contact us outside working hours, the time within which the performance standard must be completed, starts at the commencement of the following working day.)

If we fail to meet any of the standards, we will pay you £30 within 10 days of failing to achieve this. If we fail to compensate you within this timeframe, we will pay you a further £30.

Faulty prepayment meter standards

They apply to domestic customers.

    1. If you contact us about a faulty prepayment meter (or suspect that it is) and have lost supply, we will do the following:
  • Arrive to your property, or fix the issue remotely within 3 hours if we have been contacted on a working day, or
  • Arrive to your property or fix the issue remotely within 4 hours from when we have been contacted on the weekend or bank holiday.
    2. If you contact us about a faulty prepayment meter, and you are still on supply, we will do the following:
  • Confirm if the meter is faulty, restore the meter to be a working meter or replace the meter within 3 hours if we have been contacted on a working day
  • Confirm if the meter is faulty, restore the meter to be a working meter or replace the meter within 4 hours from when we have been contacted on the weekend or bank holiday.

(If you contact us outside working hours, the time within which the performance standard must be completed, starts at the commencement of the following working day.)

If we fail to meet any of the standards, we will pay you £30 within 10 days of failing to achieve this. If we fail to compensate you within this timeframe, we will pay you a further £30.


In 2024, our performance against the appointments and faulty meter standards is as follows.




Number of breaches

Number of exempt breaches

Number of net breaches

Net breaches as a proportion of cases

Percentage increase/decrease in net breaches from
previous quarter

Q1 2024







Q2 2024







Q3 2024







Q4 2024











Number of breaches

Number of exempt breaches

Number of net breaches

Net breaches as a proportion of cases

Percentage increase/decrease in net breaches from
previous quarter

Q1 2024







Q2 2024







Q3 2024







Q4 2024







Our Smart Meter Targets can be found here.

Check out our PEak Saver page for more information on the best times to save energy depending on your region.

Rota Load Block

  1. You can check at https://www.powercut105.com/en/findoperator and input your postcode into the search form. If your postcode is recorded in the database then this will display the distributors network you are connected to, as well as the single letter ‘Load Block Identifier’
  2. You can check on your electricity bill, and look for a single letter on its own, or with text like ‘Postcode area alpha identifier’. It will usually be in the top 1/3rd of your bill and sometimes be enclosed in a box. If you have a combined gas and electricity energy bill then it may be in the electricity breakdown area of your bill and not on the first page.
  3. Contact your supplier

Example of how to check on your electricity bill:

In the unlikely event of emergency instructions to temporarily disconnect customer ‘blocks’, this would happen on a rotating basis to ensure that each customer group is affected for the minimum time necessary and in a fair manner, averaged across a full week period.

Each customer ‘block’ would be disconnected from the electricity supply, and re-connected again, based on a pre-arranged emergency rota. Your block identifier determines at what time of the day, and which days of the week, your supply would be interrupted in accordance with the active schedule.

Example; your address is listed as being part of Rota Load Block ‘L’
If the example rota below was enacted then you can see that your supply would be scheduled for disconnection during the 3-hour block ‘1’ on a Thursday, ‘6’ on a Saturday, and ‘4’ on a Sunday.

From the second table you can see that the 3-hour period ‘1’ is 0.30am to 3.30am, period ‘4’ is 9.30am to 12.30pm, and period ‘6’ is 3.30pm to 6.30pm.

  • a) If the emergency instructions were issued with this rota for a Thursday then you would be off supply from 0.30am to 3.30am that day.
  • b) If the emergency instructions were issued for a Friday, you would not be affected at all that day
  • c) If the emergency instructions were in place all week, then your supply would be interrupted for 3 hours each, between 0.30am and 3.30am on Thursday, 3.30pm to 6.30pm on Saturday and 9.30am to 12.30pm on Sunday.

Account Management

You can update your account details at any time by logging into your online Portal or by contacting your supplier by phone or email.

With our 24/7 Support Team, you can contact us day or night.
Have a query? Contact Support here.

Please check the above information to satisfy yourself the engineer is genuine. If you’re still unsure, give us a call on 0333 370 9900 and we can help you identify whether the person is a representative of Pozitive Energy.

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