Feed-in Tariff for businesses

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What are business Feed-in Tariffs (FiTs)?

The Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme closed to new applicants on 1st April 2019. See Ofgem announcement

If you’re not already registered for FiT, but you have installed renewable or low carbon technology, you may be able to apply for the Smart Export Guarantee.

FiT change of ownership

Apply for an existing PE Feed-in Tariff to be registered in your name.

Read our privacy policy.

If you have anymore questions please feel free to get in touch via our chat bot, email on fit@pe.solutions or call us on 0333 370 9900.

FiT switch request

Switch your FiT payments to PE from another FiT Licensee.

Read our privacy policy.

If you have anymore questions please feel free to get in touch via our chat bot, email on fit@pe.solutions or call us on 0333 370 9900.

FiT payment rates

For the latest Feed-in Tariff rates, see the Ofgem website .

If you have anymore questions please feel free to get in touch via our chat bot, email on fit@pe.solutions or call us on 0333 370 9900.

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